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I would just like to remind you there is a playlist on Spotify for this story, along with my other stories! :) The link to my Spotify is in my bio!

"Please, just take a bite," Harry begs, holding the spoon out to Louis' mouth. He had been trying to get Louis to eat at least something for the last fifteen minutes, but Louis refused. Harry sighs and sets the spoon down, lip wobbling. "Please, it's the only way you'll ever be able to get better. You need to gain some weight, Louis, you've lost seven pounds in the past two weeks."

Louis just turns his head away from the him. Harry makes a little whimpering sound before a few tears slip down his cheeks, making Louis frown as much as his mouth allows him to. "I just want you to be as healthy as you can, Louis," Harry explains, and Louis gives in. He opens his mouth slightly, letting Harry slip the spoonful of soup in.

"Thank you," Harry says weakly, giving Louis the most genuine smile he can muster. Louis just stares up at Harry, frowning slightly. He wishes he could be better for him, he really does, but he can't help it.

A baby's cry is heard from the baby monitor, making Harry sigh. "I'll be back," He mumbles, trotting upstairs. Emma's cries get closer as he walks up the stairs, exhaling in relief when he finally gets to the nursery and lifts her up.

"Hello, love," He greets softly, carrying her out of the nursery. "You seem hungry. How about I make you a bottle and then you can sit with Daddy. I can set up that chair your Nan got us."

Harry's voice alone seems to calm Emma down, making him smile. He walks down the stairs and to the kitchen, not noticing Louis' pleading look for him to come back to him.

Harry prepares a bottle and sticks the nipple in Emma's mouth. "There you go, babe," He says softly, exhaling in relief when the house is silent. Almost as soon as the moment happens it's gone, because Louis' cries can be heard almost thirty seconds later. The loud noise causes Emma to spit out the bottle and start to cry as well. The noise makes Harry's head pound more than it was before, and he breaks. Harry just hangs his head in defeat.

"I can't fucking do this!" He cries out, but no one can hear him over the loud cries. He grabs his mobile off the kitchen counter and presses Perrie's contact, her being his last call, and waits for her to pick up.

"Hello, Ha–what is all that noise?"

"I can't do it, Pez," He says shakily, looking down at Emma and sighing. "They're both crying and I can't help them both at once and I'm awful, I can't even make my own husband and kid stop crying and-"

"Zayn and I are on our way, okay? Just hang in there for a few, babes. You're not awful, I know it's hard to handle."

Harry sniffles and nods, feeling his own eyes fill with tears. "Th-Thank you, Perrie. You two are the best."

"We know. Now try to calm Emma down first, and if you succeed, go to Lou."

"Okay...thank you."

Harry hangs up the phone, looking down at Emma's little scrunched up face. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, can you just eat, please?" He tries to stick the bottle back in her mouth, but she rejects it, making him let out a little whine. Harry moans as his eyes fill with tears. Two of his babies won't eat.

"Zayn, take Louis," Perrie says as soon as they enter Harry and Louis' house. "I've got the baby." Perrie walks to Harry, who's started crying as well, and takes Emma out of Harry's arms. "You go take a nap, love, we've got 'em."

Harry just nods, sniffling and walking toward the stairs. Perrie sits down at the kitchen table and bounces Emma on her knee a bit, trying to get her to calm down.

"There you go, babes," She says in a high-pitched voice, tickling underneath Emma's chin. "Let's let your Papa take a nap, okay?"

"Pez!" Perrie hears Zayn call from the lounge. She sighs and carries Emma into the lounge to find Louis sniffling and shaking his head while Zayn holds a spoon near his mouth. "He won't eat. Can you help?"

"We'll switch," Perrie decides, handing Emma to Zayn. Zayn panics for a few seconds before relaxing and looking down at Emma. "You need the practice, yeah?"

Louis stops jerking around and stares at Perrie for a second, eyes dropping to her stomach. She notices Louis' actions and smiles, nodding to confirm. "Three months–found out right after Emma was born."

Louis wishes he could stand up. He wishes he could tackle Perrie in a hug and kiss her cheeks and scream about being an uncle. But his best friend is pregnant and he can't do anything about it except smile and hope she knows how happy he is.

Perrie smiles and sits down in front of Louis, holding out the spoon. "Now will you eat for us?" She asks gently. "I want you to be strong enough to hold them by the time they get here. Do it for us, babes."

Her words convince Louis to open his mouth and let her stick the spoon into it. "Good job, babes," She says cheerily, feeding him another spoonful.

Soon the whole bowl of soup is gone and Perrie is praising Louis for being so good. Harry trots down the stairs with a small smile on his face, the smile growing bigger when he sees that Louis' food is gone.

"Oh, I'm so proud of you," Harry coos, hugging Louis tightly. "My strong boy." Louis smiles as much as he can, watching as Zayn sets Emma down in her baby swing. Zayn wraps his arms around Perrie's waist, resting his hands on her stomach and pecking her cheek.

"I love you," Zayn mumbles, rubbing her stomach a bit as she smiles. Harry looks over to them, eyebrows raised and smile evident.

"You're pregnant," He points at Perrie accusingly, making Perrie gasp.

"How did you even figure that out?!" She exclaims, throwing her hands out in exasperation. Harry stands up and shrugs.

"I think once you have one you just know," He guesses, walking over and hugging her tightly. "How far along?"

"Three months" Perrie replies, smiling cheerily and looking down at her stomach. It's small, but it's there. "Found out right after Emma was born."

"I'm so happy for you two," Harry says, going over to hug Zayn. Zayn smiles and hugs him back, Louis watching from the side and wishing he could hug Perrie and Zayn, wishing he could congratulate them.

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