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"Lou can't go."

Harry raises his eyebrows, glancing over at Jay and Lottie. "What do you mean you can't go? We're here, baby."

"Hazza big," Louis explains, poking at where Harry's stomach his poking out of his grey shirt. "Lou stay. Help Haz."

"Lou," Harry laughs, shaking his head and kissing the top of Louis'. "You wanted this, love, we have to. Besides, I already paid. No refunds, you're going."

"Hazza," Louis whines, pouting as Harry laughs again. Harry, although it isn't easy, bends down in front of Louis and smiles at him.

"Baby, you wanted this," He reminds, grabbing Louis' hand and kissing it. "It'll go by fast, love, you'll be home before you know it."

"Mr. Harry Tomlinson?"

Harry stands up straight and looks over to see a petite woman standing with a clipboard. Her hair is black and long, cascading down her back. She has a very kind smile, and although it should calm his nerves just a bit, it doesn't.

"Hi, I'm Jada," The woman say, reaching out and shaking Harry's hand. "I'm the one who will be working with Louis the next few weeks."

"H-Hello," Harry says quietly, and suddenly his anxiety is showing very vividly.

"Sorry I'm running a bit late, just got done with the last person I was working with a few minutes ago," She explains. "We'll have to make this quick. Here's my card, text me whenever to ask any questions or just check in on Louis!"

"Okay," Harry replies with a small smile, taking the business card Jada hands him. "Thank you."

"No problem!" She says cheerfully. "Now, I should start setting Louis up, so."

"O-Oh, okay," Harry says shakily. He bends down in front of Louis again and leans in, pressing a kiss to Louis' lips. "Be good for Jada, love, okay? I'll call every day."

"Okay," Louis replies softly. He brings his hand to Harry's stomach and smiles. "Love you."

Harry's face softens before he says "I love you too." He stands up straight as Jada gives him a small smile and waves for Louis to follow her in his electric chair.

Louis gives Harry one last smile, like he's proud of himself for this, and turns to follow Jada. Jay steps toward him, already knowing what's coming. Harry bursts into tears, leaning into Jay and crying into her shoulder.

"I know, love, I know," She says softly, parting Harry's back with one hand and stroking his hair with the other. "You can come back to my house for supper if you'd like, love. And you can sleepover if you don't want to be alone."

"Okay," Harry sniffles. He wants to decline, wants to assure Jay that he can handle spending the night on his own with Emma, but he can't. "Okay, yeah."

"Alright, love," Jay says assuringly, kissing Harry's cheek. "You go home and pack a few things and drive over to my house, alright?" Harry wipes his eyes and nods.

"A little dose of Ernie and Doris will do you some good," Lottie assures, and Harry giggles at just the thought.

"He's okay, Harry."

Harry keeps his eyes downcast as Emma crawls toward Lottie, who's looking at Harry worriedly. He hadn't said much since he arrived. "I'll take the baby," Lottie says, plucking Emma out of Harry's arms without warning. Harry just scowls. "And you go take a much-needed nap. In Louis' old room. Okay?"

Harry just sighs and nods, standing up from the couch and kissing the top of Emma's head before walking upstairs.

He makes his way to Louis' room, which he hasn't been in for more than a year, and he almost breaks down. There are pictures littering the walls. Louis playing footie, Louis holding Phoebe when she was a baby and smiling, Louis giving Lottie a piggy back ride as they both stick their tongues out.

He can't help but remember this Louis. This Louis was a different person. Fun and happy and always laughing. Harry's lip wobbles. If Louis was the same they wouldn't be in this position. They'd both be happy and Louis would hate to make Harry stressed and not let him do a thing. And, Harry hates to even think about it, but Louis is the source of his stress.

He looks over to Louis' closet, seeing all the shoes he used to wear in college. Walking, running, playing footie. Harry can barely even envision it anymore.

He stands in the middle of the room for a few seconds. He didn't know Louis until university, but he can see Louis living in this room. Little Louis, with his long hair and girlfriends he refused to kiss.

Harry takes a deep, shuddering breath before laying down in Louis' twin bed. It smells like him, somehow, and he wants to cry.

So Harry falls asleep like that. Tears rolling down the side of his face, frown present, and heart aching.

That's Love, Bitch (Larry au) *mpreg*Where stories live. Discover now