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Louis was released from the hospital a week and a half later, bringing home a few new prescriptions as well.

Harry was also six months along. He had started to become more hormonal and was also experiencing a lot of discomfort.

"Haz-zy good?" Louis asked as Harry made a face. They were sitting at the dinner table, Harry feeding Louis as the younger boy watched the pained faces he made.

"Yeah," Harry assured, stabbing another piece of Louis' steak with the fork and bringing it to Louis' mouth. "She's just flipping around in there. We should enroll her in acrobatics."

Louis giggled, making Harry smile and feed him another piece. After a moment his stomach started to feel tight, pain quickly taking over his middle. Harry huffed and set down the fork.

"Can we take a quick break, Lou?" Harry asked, wincing as he shifted in his chair. Louis looked at Harry in worry.

"Good?" He asked, slightly scared. Harry nodded, resting a hand on his stomach and rubbing it slowly.

"I'm okay," Harry assured, using his other hand to hold Louis', trying to comfort him. "It's just a Braxton Hick."

Louis furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, as if to say he didn't understand. He was very tired, and the seizure made speaking even harder. That meant more speech therapy with Jade.

Harry had figured Louis would know what Braxton Hicks were, since his family was the size of a small tribe. "They're like contractions, except not as bad. They're preparing me for labour," Harry explained. Louis bit his lip. "They only hurt a bit." Harry said as if he could read Louis' mind. That was a lie–they hurt a lot.

Once the Braxton Hick passed, Harry could feel their little girl start to kick. "Here, feel," Harry said, taking Louis' functioning hand and lifting his shirt so Louis could feel.

Louis immediately smiled as he felt a little foot against his hand. Harry smiled back, leaning up and kissing Louis' cheek. "Does it feel weird?" Harry asked. Louis nodded, giving Harry his lopsided smile. Harry chuckled, moving Louis' hand to another part of his stomach. "Imagine how it feels to me."

When the baby stopped kicking, Harry pulled his shirt back down and grabbed the fork, picking it back up again. Just as he did, Louis' arm reached out and smacked his upper arm. Harry ignored it, knowing it was just a spasm and acknowledging it would make Louis upset.

Louis was upset, though. It didn't hurt Harry at all, but all Louis could think about was how he basically just abused Harry. Hot tears filled his eyes as Harry brought another piece of steak to his mouth, noticing how watery Louis' blue eyes were.

"Hey," Harry cooed, tipping Louis' face up with his index finger. "What's the matter, babe?"

"H-ur-t," Louis struggled to get the words out as he let out a sob. Harry shook his head frantically, setting the fork down and cupping Louis' cheek.

"No, no, no," Harry said, brushing Louis' cheek softly with his thumb. "It's not your fault. Oh, sunshine, don't cry."

Louis sniffled and bit his wobbling lip. Harry felt awful that Louis always felt like he was hurting him. How could the sunshine be so sad?

"You are so fucking perfect, sunshine," Harry says. "I love you so, so much. You are the most beautiful boy I have ever seen," Harry raises his hand to show his wedding ring. "I wouldn't be wearing this if I didn't think you're worth it, because you so are."

Louis raises his hand slowly and shakily, the un-functioning one, and shows his wedding ring as well. Harry smiled and leaned forward, pecking Louis' lips.

"I love you," Harry mumbled, repeatedly pecking Louis' cheek and making Louis giggle loudly. His legs flailed about uncontrollably, accidentally kicking Harry's shin in the process.

"You little stinker," Harry teases, trying to make light of the situation. Louis freezes, realizing what he's done before seeing how Harry laughed. He started to laugh as well, not wanting to upset his Hazza.

"Harry, baby!" Louis called out, walking into the kitchen to find Harry cooking breakfast. Harry turned to find Louis walking towards him–no wheelchair, no spasms, and his smile not lopsided.

"Good morning, baby," Louis cooed, wrapping his arms around Harry. Harry stood there in shock–Louis hadn't been able to do that in so long.

"Y-You're okay," Harry stuttered, gaping at Louis. Louis furrowed his eyebrows in concern.

"Of course I am," Louis said. "Why wouldn't I be? Are you feeling okay, H?"

Harry just gaped at him, not knowing what to say. "Is it the baby?" Louis asked after a moment, eyebrows raised in worry. He stepped forward and set both his hands on Harry's baby bump all by himself.

"W-We're okay," Harry stuttered, still in complete shock. Louis smiled and kneeled down, kissing Harry's stomach before standing up straight and pecking Harry on the lips.

"I'm glad," Louis said, cupping Harry's face with his hands.

Harry woke up from his dream in the middle of the night, panting and immediately looking over to the corner of the room. Louis' wheelchair was still there. It was a dream.

Harry didn't know whether to be relieved or disappointed.

He winced, a Braxton Hick starting to cause his middle to ache. He really wanted to wake Louis up so his husband could comfort him, but he knew Louis needed his sleep.

After a big pain hit, he opted on waking Louis up. He gently sat up and began to brush his thumb against Louis' cheek.

"Baby," Harry whispered, watching as Louis slowly began to wake up. Louis made a soft humming noise, furrowing his eyebrows in worry.

Harry slowly laid back down so he was seeing eye-to-eye with Louis' worried eyes.

"Can you hold my hand?" Harry asked shyly. These were one of the few moments where Louis got to take care of Harry, and Louis liked to do it every chance he got.

Louis moved his right hand over to Harry's larger one, grabbing it and giving it a squeeze. Harry smiled and tried to distract himself from the pain with the way Louis' hand felt against his.

"Sorry I woke you up," Harry apologized softly. Louis shook his head slightly, telling him it was okay.

Once the pain had passed both boys fell asleep, still holding hands. Louis had an awful dream that night. Or a nightmare.

Louis sat in front of the television, Harry laying down on the sofa behind them. Their baby girl was in a swing on the ground across the room.

After a moment the baby started crying. Louis turned his head to Harry, who was napping soundly behind him. The baby continued to screech as Louis did as well, screaming "Ha-rr-yyy!" at the top of his lungs. Harry just wouldn't wake up.

Louis was not strapped into his chair for some reason, and when he leaned forward he fell to the ground. Now he was screaming louder and louder, the baby crying as well. Harry just wouldn't wake up.

Louis realised he would never be able to take care of their daughter himself.

Louis woke up to find it was morning. Tears ran down his face as he reevaluated his dream and saw that Harry was not laying next to him.

Just as Louis was about to yell out for his husband, Harry walked into the room. He was naked, just a towel wrapped around his waist. His curls were wet, and his stomach was fully exposed. A few stretch marks ran across the tight skin.

"Good morning, sunshine," Harry greeted, casually dropping his towel and opening the closet door. Louis craned his neck up to look at the view.

"Wooo!" Louis teased as he caught a glance at Harry's bum, making Harry turn and glare at Louis jokingly.

"My eyes are up here," Harry teased, making Louis smile fondly.

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