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"Hey, mate." Niall greeted as he opened the front door. Harry smiled, pushing Louis' chair into Niall's house. "Hey, Louis."

Louis gave Niall a lopsided smile. Harry pushed Louis' chair into the kitchen, where Liam, Zayn, and Perrie sat, all drinking beer and talking.

"The Tomlinson's have entered the building." Liam chuckled, taking a sip of his beer. Harry smiled and laughed as well, parking Louis' chair at the table before taking a seat.

"How are you guys?" Zayn asked, setting his can of beer down. Harry shrugged and smiled wearily.

"Fine. Tired." Harry admitted, folding his hands in his lap. Niall walked over from the other side of the kitchen and set two glasses of water in front of Harry. Harry smiled and thanked him before taking a sip.

Louis looked at the other glass of water pleadingly, putting his hand on Harry's thigh. Harry glanced over at him before he realised.

"Sorry." He mumbled, putting down his own glass. He picked up Louis' and brought it to the smaller boy's lips, tilting it a bit.

Everyone stopped talking and watched the two. Liam took another sip of his beer. Zayn stared at his lap. Niall cleared his throat and looked away. Perrie looked at the two sympathetically.

Once Louis was done, Harry took away the empty glass. Harry blushed profusely, noticing the awkward atmosphere. Louis took note of Harry's embarrassment and glared at the group.

"Stop." He said clearly. Everyone turned their attention to Louis, surprised at the good pronunciation.

"W-What?" Liam stuttered confusedly.

"St-ar-ing at H-az." Louis replied slowly, closing his eyes as he was getting frustrated with himself. "S-St-op."

Everyone's cheeks seemed to turn pink. Louis wasn't finished. "H-az is go-od." He took a moment to catch his breath. "Do n-ot de-ser-ve."

Harry blushed even more and put a hand on Louis' thigh. Louis ignored him. "Harry is beautiful." He said clearly. A faint smile covered everyone's lips.

"You're right." Liam said after a moment. "Sorry, guys."

"Not, it's fine!" Harry assured, already used to the fact that not everyone was used to Louis. Louis shook his head.

"N-ot fi-ne." He mumbled, pouting a bit.

"So boys, how's the baby?" Perrie asked, breaking the awkward silence that followed Louis' sullen words. Harry's face immediately lit up as he rubbed the bottom of his small baby bump under the table.

"Good. Active." Harry chuckled. "They're moving a bit."

"How far along are you now, mate?" Niall asked, setting his beer down and crossing his arms on top of the table. "Four?"

"Four and a half." Harry replied. Louis put his hand on Harry's stomach, glaring over at Niall.

"Mine." He said, making everyone chuckle. Niall laughed harder than everyone else per usual.

"Yours." He agreed, making Louis smile and rub Harry's stomach a little. Harry smiled as well, putting his hand on top of Louis'.


"No!" Louis screamed, face turning red. Harry clutched onto Louis' pyjama pants, panting heavily.

"Louis, baby," Harry begged pleadingly. "Please. Let's just go to bed."

"No!" Louis yelled again, wheeling his chair away from Harry. Harry's eyes filled with tears of frustration as he tugged at his hair, feeling the baby flutter around.

"Louis, I'm tired," Harry said, voice breaking. He was frustrated to the point of crying. "Can you please just do this? For me?"

Louis ignored him, making his chair face the other way. Harry sighed. "This isn't good for the baby either." He told Louis. Louis waited a moment before turning around, a scowl on his face. He wheeled himself into the bedroom, Harry following behind.

Louis sat still and let Harry undress him and put on his pyjamas. When Harry was finished, he smiled tiredly and kissed the top of Louis' head.

"Thank you." He mumbled, glad Louis had come around and let him put on the boys pajamas. Harry shakily stood up, the baby putting a strain on his back and feet already. Louis noticed how he struggled a bit because of the pregnancy, and a feeling of guilt overtook him.

Harry lifted Louis out of his chair, grunting a little under his breath as he did. He laid the small boy on the bed and tucked him into the covers before exhaling wearily.

"Ha-zzy?" Louis said slowly as Harry started to get under the covers. Harry laid down next to Louis and put his hand on his husband's cheek, brushing it with his thumb.

"Yes, baby?" Harry asked, smiling tiredly at the boy. Louis frowned the best he could, using his working hand to wipe his eyes that were filling with tears.

"So-rry." He mumbled. Harry furrowed his eyebrows and wrapped his arm around Louis' waist, pulling him closer.

"Why are you apologizing, sunshine?" Harry asked softly, frowning slightly.

"Ha-zzy tir-ed." Louis mumbled, sniffling a little. Harry shook his head.

"No, baby." He mumbled. "It's okay. I'm okay."

"I hur-ti-ng ba-by." Louis stuttered, and Harry's grip immediately tightened around Louis' waist.

"No," Harry said softly, kissing the top of Louis' head. "Baby's okay too, okay? Everyone is okay."

Louis shook a bit but nodded, trying his best to snuggle into Harry but not being able to due to his physical limitations.

Louis remembered when he used to spoon Harry, cuddling up to his husbands back. He smiled sadly at the thought, realizing he could never spoon his husband again.

"I love you." Harry whispered sleepily, kissing the top of Louis' head once again. Louis hummed softly in response.

"Love Harry." He said clearly, making Harry smile widely.


Harry woke up the next morning to the sound of sobbing. He immediately opened his eyes to find Louis laying right next to him, tears streaming down his face.

"Louis?" Harry asked. "What's wrong?"

Louis sniffled and continued to cry. Harry sat up and helped Louis sit up as well, propping pillows behind him so he could sit up by himself. "Is it your legs? Do they hurt?" Harry asked. Louis nodded, sniffling again. Harry got up out of bed, swollen feet making him hiss as they hit the floor.

Harry walked toward the washroom and grabbed Louis' pain meds. He brought them back to the bedroom and grabbed his plastic water bottle off the bedside table.

After giving Louis his meds, Harry considered crawling back into bed when he realised Louis would need breakfast and more meds soon. He sighed, already predicting he had a long day in front of him.

(1,093 words)

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