Chapter 1

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Note- short chapters sorry.

Beep! Beep! Beep! Be-
Stupid alarm I curse the person who invented these things.
"Meera come and eat breakfast !"
"Ok mum."
All I have to do is actually get out of bed. Umph! More like fall out of it. I make my way downstairs after getting ready for Uni.

Oooohhh  something smells so good. Well any food does anyway.
"Meera Darling I've made your favourite dosa and chutney."
(A non-sweet pancake). Mmmmmm!
Oh my god so delicious, my mum always makes the best food ever, I can cook pretty good as well but not as good as my mum. How does she do it? How can food be so good? Literally what a great way to start the day.

Ding dong! Who is it I wonder nobody comes this early in the morning.
"Mum I'll go get it don't worry."
I open the door and standing there is my best friend of all time. Sarah. The one who supported me through tough times, the one who makes me laugh like a hyena in public.
"Ready to go?"
Why isn't she at Uni? What?
"Aren't you supposed to be at University."
"You idiot I said I'd pick you up today."
Ohhhhhh she did didn't she, oops.
"Come on then don't wanna be late on our last day of Uni do we?"
Yes! yes! yes! It's the last day of this hell. I can be free as a bird and get a job to do with business no more torture! I grab my bag.
"Ok, bye mum!"

After the ride we finally reached university it was bustling with people and loud chatter. We don't have many lessons today and the teachers don't give much work. So first lesson is Maths. Mental. Abuse. To. Humans as I call it. But not today. Then Science afterwards English and finally my favourite Business studies. I hope to have a job to do with business after uni because I have great qualifications anyway.

Maths was horrible our teacher did NOT go easy on us, stupid devil. Well English was ok we basically did nothing and then business studies was really fun, ok maybe only for me not for anyone else. Finally the day is over I'm free forever no more education I can get a full time job and life's going great.
"What are you doing Meera?"
"I'm celebrating what does it look like I'm doing?, now drive me home!"

I'm home sweet home. "mum I'm home."
"Ok sweetie and come to the table me and your father have got something to talk about."
Oh god this either means a lecture or something really super important. I go over to where my parents are sitting. My dad looks so serious it's making my heartbeat rise up slightly. Did I do something wrong? They laugh. Oops did I say that out loud?
" no dear you didn't do something wrong. Thank god, then what?
"You're getting married."
What!, did I hear right omg are they serious?
"Are you serious I only just finished uni now and straight away you're getting me married to some random guy you've chosen."
"Yes we are and you are getting married as you have finished your studies and are of age, no objections am I clear?! And we'll be going to India in a week for this ok."
Why, how, what, who? I need help, yes! Sarah I'll text her.

Meera- I need help.

Sarah- what?

Meera- it's not an ordinary problem.


Meera- I'm getting married.

Sarah- did auto correct get you

Meera- no I'm serious my parents just told me.

Sarah- 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱

Meera- also I'll be going to India because of this.😫

Sarah- omg so exciting I'm booking a flight right now to India, chennai right?

Meera- yes but you don't need to book a flight.😟

Sarah- to late I've booked it so tough.

Sarah- I've got to go talk to you later bride to be.😉😉

Why is my life like this ?

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