Chapter 25

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Ajay's P.O.V

Why? Why now?! Everything was going fine! We were like a proper married couple, what happened?! Meera, why did you to do this to me?!

I've been thinking, she said that this marriage was a contract. Is it true? Nobody's answering any of my questions. My father is coming back from a business trip hearing of the recent new. Ugh.

He can't make this a contract can he? I asked my mother and she just stayed silent, making it seem more and more true.

I'm panicking, I tried, tried SO hard to not get her to leave. No matter what she ignored me. Her parents disregarded me, I'm completely broken. The one time in a few months I actually liked her. Always felt weird sitting next her, hmmm.

The look on her face while yelling at me, pure hatred, disgust and every other negative emotion. I can't... I should of told her everything, why didn't I? I am such an idiot!

I thought, I could just leave it behind now that we forgave each other and not let it bother her and me. I was stupid!, she was bound to find out anyway.

In the few days after, she packed her bags and left. Left the house, no more of her beautiful laughter or smiles, nothing. I admit I sort of, maybe, possibly had tears in my eyes.

When I woke up there was no glass of water for me to gulp down. Ugh... What have I done? I'll never get to see her again. I can't go near her, I've tried to go to her family's house but each time I get glares and get kicked out from the very proximity of it.

The murmurs of my mother and father interrupt my thoughts.

"What on earth happened? What did that idiot do?"

Thanks dad, so supportive.

"Father, finally everything went wrong."

My mother explains everything to him. His face changes from neutral to absolutely furious.

"WHAT?! Ajay!, All this happened because of you! You nearly got a girl killed!"

"I know, I know, I was stupid. I completely regret everything I did to her. Please help me get her back!"

"Son, we can't they termin- um it's legal issues. It's the girls choice."

What was he going to say?

"Terminate what? What!? Huh? Was Meera true? Was this marriage just a contract?!"

"How?! You should of never known!"

How could he?! Is he that cruel?

"HOW COULD YOU?! You thought this was a way of making money? Why didn't you tell me about this!?"

I shake my head, disgusted with my father for being such a money-thirsty man. My mother speaks.

"Dear, it's ok, I can tell you like, no love her. You never really knew the value of your wife did you? I'm sure you very much regret all the um, not very acceptable things to her. I'm very sorry, but as your mother I have to be blunt with you. There's nothing we can do to get her back, I'm sorry. We can't compete with the law and they're quite an influential family."

I sigh heavily. Frustration is quite the understatement right now. I get up and go to my room and slam the door. WHY?!

I hear a voice behind my door. It's my poor excuse for a father.

"Son, lets talk abou-"

"SHUT UP! Go somewhere else!"

I can't believe I just talked to my father like that!

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