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I SO SO SORRY if people thought this was a chapter, but I wanted to dedicate someone for helping me in some details of this book.

I've been planning to do this for a long time.

Even though she didn't want me to do this.


(Warning: ultimate cheeseballing so if you don't like sappy stuff ignore this part of the book)

You've been warned...

You see my BEST friend has been there since the beginning of the book, 'We Meet Again'. Firstly I didn't think it was a good idea to but she wonderfully persuaded me to write it on wattpad.

(She is on wattpad and featured in my book exclusively in my book)

She was one of the first people to vote and comment on Chapter 1. We've been best friends for a few years you could say. If I got stuck on something or had writers block she would give me the greatest ideas.

Believe me, she has a unique personality, not in a bad way, a very good way. Always makes me laugh, gives me confidence to do things I would of never done.

(Hopefully you are reading this BESTIE! 😉)

I could go on and on about her.
Funny story actually, not to long ago we had a Science test and I completely ( well personally) failed. Now, Science is one of my favourite subjects as well as my parents have VERY high expectations as they want me to become a doctor. So, me, being me, I went very depressed for the rest of the day.

At lunch I couldn't take it anymore and cried. (I'm loser, I know) As much as all my other friends supporting me. She supported me very much, saying it was ok and making me laugh.

I used not have many friends, also I wasn't really the social type either. Until came to the school I go to now, where I met my best friend.

So I just wanted to let you (Best friend) and the people who read this that this book was with the help of her, for example the some of the plot and ideas.

Yes and if you're wondering, 1) I'm dying from extreme flu, 2) I cried writing this. Seriously I cried, I'm emotional when it comes to things like this ok?

Thank you so much to you know who. I hope you know, if you're reading this that you are graciously, appreciated.




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