Chapter 34

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Ajay's P.O.V

Why do I even bother? My life isn't meant to be good. I have to stop thinking about her, ugh! If I keep thinking about her I'll go mad!


Okay, okay. Calm down, Ajay. I have to get to work. Suddenly I hear the door slam open.

"Macha! Why?! It was going soooo well! You can't just send her that letter and be like ' everything's fine now, I can't hurt her anymore!' No! You'll hurt her even more!"

"I don't care."

He rolls his eyes at me and continues to speak as my other friends also slide into my office. Oh god...

"You do though! You do! That's why you did this, but I'm sure she'll forgive you or something?! So don't send it."

I smirk even though I'm broken inside, they don't get it. They get confused by my smirk.

"Look, I already did it so-"

All my friends shout probably gaining some attention.


"I can and I already did, as your boss I suggest you get back to work! NOW!"

They flinch and frown while shrugging at each other. They slam the door. Ugh, what have I done? I just yelled at them and probably just ruined my only friendships.

I slam my fist on the table and then I rest it on my head and groan. Never mind, I used to be grim and couldn't get hurt easily. That was much better, where I couldn't feel anything.

I begin to type and fill out paperwork and all that I usually do. I do this for the next hour.

After an hour...

I shake my hand in exhaustion and yawn. I slouch over and my fists clench, UGH! At least I've sent it now it's over and done with.

She's probably going to sit there and cry or she might even be happy that I'm gone. Which I hope she is, but either way I must of hurt her. I always mess things up! But not anymore.

Suddenly I hear muffled noises coming outside from somewhere, seems like the reception area. Hmmm...

I go towards the door and press my ear against it, to hear clearer.

"Listen here,woman! You better let me get through!"

Woah! Who is this?

"I'm sorry madam but you can't because you're a lunatic and belong in a mental hospital, no wonder sir wanted you off the-"


"Okay, let's try this again? Would you let me past NOW?!"

Oh my goodness! What's happening out there? I start to hear a crowd forming. Ugh.

"Well MISS are you dumb or don't you understand me, I'll slow it down to suit your mind. N-O means NO!"

"You want to be like that fine!"

There's a cat fight going on out there! Woah! I never liked my receptionist anyway. She can be sort of um? Demanding? Well I better go out there and sort this out.

I open the door and close it behind me. I see there is a small crowd there watching whatever happened. I shout,

"Okay, okay! Everyone get back to work , this is nothing I'll sort it out."

I can barely even see what the problem is with this crowd. The people disperse to their departments, leaving me to see two women. One of them faces the receptionist and there's a little child sitting in awe as well.

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