Chapter 30

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Ajay's P.O.V

"Not bad for a company that failed and just got back up, hmmm.."

Thanks Meera, nice. You can be quite blunt can't you?

"Is that meant to be a compliment? If it is you should work on your skills."

"Well I've got to go Krishnan, plus you don't deserve a compliment so yeah, bye."

I walk with her to the entrance and she waves and goes to her, wow, really nice car as well. I wave as she drives off, then I walk back inside.

"Ooooooooh, macha, look at you reeling her in! Well at least you're trying to. Keep trying, she's probably playing hard to get or something."

"Do you mind keeping your teasing aside for at least a second, you almost embarrassed me when I was showing her around."

Yeah, they tried to drop hints about us being a cute couple while I was showing Meera around the office building. Ugh, they try to help. Believe me, she was beyond confused.

If you're wondering, nothing really happened between us this time, unfortunately. There were some embarrassing moments and normal moments that's it. Oh well, at least she actually came to my building.

"Sorry, only trying to help you oopsy! Well we'll keep out of the lovebirds way then okay?"

I roll my eyes and smile, my friends are the weirdest.

"Get back to work you idiots."

They laugh and dawdle off to their respective departments. Well what am doing now? Oh yeah, work, ugh...

I get to my office, sit down and get to work for the next 2 hours.

After 2 hours of death...

When did work become so hard? Oh god, ughhhh. At least I got it over and done with. Hmmmm...

Well it's nearly time to go home, I'll go early then. I pack up my things and get into my car.


Oh I got a message! I'm actually popular for once. Ha, I crack myself up. I look at the message,

Unknown- hello

An unknown number? Who's this?

Ajay- who is this?

Unknown- This is Ajay Krishnan right?


Unknown- oh thank goodness! Thought you changed your number.


Ajay- who is this?! ANSWER this time!

Unknown- me Samantha, uh hey?

Ajay- what? Samantha is that you? Really?!

Unknown- well your favourite curry is fish, colour is green and your marriage was arranged to Meera Maholtra my sister.

Ajay- hmmm, fine then

I change the name from unknown to Samantha.

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