Chapter 19
As I packed my bags to stay at Robin's house I coulnd't get out of my head what life will be like when I'm a wolf. I am just excited as I am nervous. Robin did say the first shift will be painful. How painful? Will it be like the bite? Was I meant to feel anything? I'm sure all my questions will be answered very soon.
I told my mum where I was going before I left. It was '8:00'. As I walked I became more and more nervous. I also felt as though someone or something was watching me. I quickened my pace, wanting to get to the safety of my mate. A sudden whoosh of air went past me. I looked around the area desperately wanting to find the thing that ran past me. Nothing. I started to jog to Robin's house. I got out my phone and texted furiously to Robin:
' I'm scared, will u meet me halfway. am at the end of my road.'
I pressed send and hoped Robin will meet me there.
My phone buzzed, it must be Robin replying.
I opened the message and it read:
'yeah sure, wats up?'
I had no time to reply so I just hoped I'd meet him at the place near to the forest. A black figure was standing in front of me. He was a huge male. I screamed but the figure clamped his hand onto my mouth.
"Shhhhh." He whispered into my ear, sending shivers down my spine. Tears were starting to stream down my face.
Help me Robin. I thought.
I bit the man's finger and I started to sprint for my life. He let out a scream of annoyance and I heard him sprint after me.
My phone began to ring. I checked the caller ID, it was Robin. I answered the call while running.
"Robin! Help please." I cried helplessly and hung up. The man was catching up to me quickly. I ran as fast as my legs could carry me. Before I knew it I fell to the floor. Pain shot up my legs and back and I blacked out...
I woke up in a dark room. I was strapped to a chair with my hands tied together on my lap. I checked my watch.
I was running out of time. A heavy door swung open. The figure whom I guessed kidnapped me was at the entrance of the door. I could see him more clearly now. He had dirt blond hair and piercing black eyes.
He walked towards me slowly with a smirk on his face. I wanted to scream at him but I decided not to.
"W-what do you want with me?" I whispered.
"You. I want you." He said in a gravely voice. I was way too scared to even care how I was going to escape. All that matters now is I survive. I checked my watch again. It read '11:55'.
"Look, I'm running out of time. You need to get away from me. Please." I begged.
He bellowed the most scary sound I ever heard.
"Ha ha, and why would I do that my sweetness?" He asked rhetorically.
"I-I could h-hurt you." I answered, knowing he didn't want the answer.
"Oh my! Maybe I should go and run away!" He mocked.
The alarm on my watch went off. Oh no!
Searing pain shot through my whole body. My back broke into a weird position.
"W-what are you doing?" The man asked.
I screamed as loud as I could.
My wrists also broke into an abnormal position. The pain was unbearable! I just wanted to curl up and die.
The rope that bounded me to the chair ripped off. I lay in an awkward position and screamed again.
Glass burst through the room and a large wolf Came in through the shattered window. Robin! Two other wolves jumped through the window. One looked a lot like Robin and the Other was a gicantic silver wolf with black markings along it's body. Alex and Ronald!
They killed the man in seconds and quickly shifted back to help me. Robin picked me up. The pain increased and I let out a loud scream which sounded more like a howl.
"We are running out of time father! What shall we do?" I heard Robin ask worriedly.
"We must let the transformation complete... here." Ronald answered. I was really scared. My heart was pounding against my rib cage. Robin put me back on the ground carefully.
"Everythings going to be OK." He assured me. It didn't feel like it.

That Mystery Boy
RomanceKacy is and ordinary girl with an ordinary life. It all changed when the new boy, Robin, showed up. It was love at first site for Kacy. But robin has an epic secret that he can tell no one. Will it still be love if he reveals his secret to Kacy? How...