Chapter 4

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I closed my office's door and walked to my seat behind the desk to glare at one of the kids. "Vernon, your grades are dropping quickly. Do I need to assign you a tutor?" I said in a stern voice. The young kid groaned and glared at the floor, crossing his arms. "No sir, I'll work on it.." I looked at his mom, who was rather pale.
She shook her head, "I'm fine- I mean, he's fine. I'll make sure he studies more at home sir..-" she leaned over a bit in pain. "Miss, why don't you go to our nurse..?" I suggested. She shook her head. "No. I'm fine!" She yelled, getting up and holding her side. I stood up and slammed my hands on my desk. "Mrs. Park, you are not fine!-" she collapsed on the ground.
"Mom..?" Vernon said quietly, getting up too. She got up slowly a minute later and groaned. "Mrs. Park I am taking you to the nurse-" I was cut off while we walked closer to her. She was surprisingly strong, she pushed me into a corner of my office and attacked me, scratching my neck. I panicked and started hitting her head with my hands clasped together.
She stopped moving and fell to the ground after I made a large sent in her skull. I shoved her to the other side of the room. Vernon watched in rage. He grabbed one of the chairs and hit part of my face against the corner of the room and I fell limp. Continuing to hit the side until I lost my breathing..

3rd person

Ilsa scoffs. That stupid principal had decided to die like marco? Really, in the start of an apocalypse she's about to cry because of a dead anime character even though everyone of those characters are fated to die anyway?! You're getting off track here Ilsa..
Anyways, Ilsa starts walking to the kitchen in hopes at least the smart people went there for the food to survive. Even though it's mostly microwaveable stuff.. I wonder if she ate the lunchables? You're getting off track yourself, self..
Anyways, she opened the cafeteria's doors in hopes to see people. Hopefully armed people too. And not annoying people. (ILSA!..) Instead of the empty cafeteria room she was met with someone in her face. "The fuck you doin? Let me in before one of them gets me." She says, leaning backwards while keeping her feet planted where she was.
She studies who it is for a second, pauses, and questions. Who was this person again? Oh wait! Isn't this that one guy Reese obsesses over?! WHEW! Another day living, Ilsa.. Another day safe from a raging female Levi..
Ilsa tilts her head. "Who all is in here?" She asks while pushing him out of the way, closing the doors in the nick of time to crush a zombie's head between the metal doors. Wade looks at her for a second. "Who are you first of all. Second, how many things have you killed."
"You mean zombies? Oh.. Let me see.. I dunno I killed like three at the music door, maybe six in the halls, then including the teacher so ten." She shrugs. He glances at her confused. "You're an extremely confusing person.." He said while dragging her to the rest who stayed behind. "I get that a lot." She says, grinning and following him to the kitchen. Juliette immediately stood up and hugged Ilsa. "I thought you died, you idiot!" Juliette shrieks while violently shaking Ilsa's shoulders. "SHAKING BABY SYNDROME!"
Back with Hanna, Nathan, and Meg, they all split up. Hanna checks the hallways since she's the most mentally prepared one, Nathan checks outside the school(mostly just the playground, tree areas, etc if you needed to know. ;P), and Meg checks the club rooms including the gym.
Walking with her giant ass knife, Hanna starts stabbing zombie's heads that attempt to attack her. She glanced at Nathan from a window who came back inside through an exit. "There's no kids alive outside, and, well.. If they were alive they aren't now." He says. Hanna nods and starts walking near the gym, where Meg is currently.
They hear muffled yelling and extremely loud growling through the door. "Shit!" They both yelled. Running to the gym's three doors they open different one's to be met with quite a sight.. Reese was hanging Meg over a hoard of zombies from the stage, Anna yelling from a separate stage area to the right.
"YOU'RE THAT BITCH THAT NEARLY KILLED HIM ON THAT SCHOOL HIKING TRIP!" Reese shouts, completely disregarding the zombies latching onto Meg legs and close to her own.
"Please.." Meg says through gritted teeth, "I don't even know who you're talking about..!"
"Reese stop it, we need all the lives we can!" Anna yells, carefully jumping to the main stage area. Hanna sighs. "Reese!" She throws Meg to the ground at the back of the stage as Meg rubs her bruised neck. Reese walks back to Meg with her scissors. Anna pushes Reese away before she can stab Meg, Reese dropping her scissors as they slide down into the small hoard of zombies.
"She nearly killed him once, she has no right to live!!" Reese yells, stumbling up. Hanna and Nathan start killing some of the herd to get to the stage and break it up. Hanna pushes Reese back again. "Reese, stop! We have more important things to do other than fight about your stupid senpai! Now, Meg is precious life. All of us are. It's the end of the world and we have no use in killing another person randomly."
Reese glares at Hanna and her common sense. "Your logic is stupidly right." Reese says before stomping off and hitting Nathan and Anna in the side as she passes them. "If there's a group already I'm assuming they'll be in the kitchen." Reese says, glaring back at the end of the stage. "Kitchen goers.." She scoffs. Nathan puts up a finger, "Actually Reese, we're called the lost souls, get it right bro." Nathan snickers as he helps the bitch- AHEM! Meg.. Up.
The five stare out at the group of zombies now surrounding the stage, making it virtually impossible to get off without dying or sacrificing someone..

Mrs. Park
The few unfortunate drama nerd zombies

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