Chapter 11

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A shot rang through the air. Rifle still pointed at the white wolf who's coat turns red, Vernon laughs quietly. "Weak pieces of shit. None of you are fit for the apocalypse.." Grinning he kicks another wolf's side. "How could this tiny little pack make it this long without dying?? You couldn't even kill a toddler in this state." He laughs again as another shot rings through the forest.
  The, what seemed to be, leader of the pack growls while stalking towards Vernon. It continues to stand in front of the last four wolves of its pack as Vernon smirks. "Feisty one aren't cha?" He snickers, getting cut off by the pack leader pouncing on him and biting his arm. Pulling and shaking it's head while still clutched on to his arm, the leader continues to bite down into his flesh.
  Vernon shrieks in pain and kicks the leader off of him. The four other wolves run away and the leader stumbled and falls into them.
  "Stupid dogs.." Vernon mutters as the leader follows the four other wolves away.

3rd person

Ilsa doesn't even care that she doesn't have a reason to run from the school anymore, she just kept on running through the forest. "Anna! Reese! Juliette?! AnyoNE?!" She calls out. Pausing, she hears growls(*laughing while singing to Growl by Exo*) and looks around herself. "Hello..? Anyone there?" Silly Ilsa. Why are you asking if someone's there in the apocalypse?
  Fear strikes across Ilsa's face when the wolves finally show up from behind the trees and bushes. One brightly colored and well fed wolf with a swelling eye and reddened skin starts growling louder and walking closer. Ilsa's breath catches in her throat as she turns and sprints to the only side the wolves aren't surrounding her by. Immediately the wolves start to sprint after her, gaining up on her quickly.
  Cursing herself silently as she remembers what Reese had told her when she was obsessed with the animals that were currently chasing, she mentally scolds herself.
  "They like moving targets. They get an adrenaline rush or a thrill from the chase when they hunt prey." Ilsa smacks her forehead and uses her last amount of energy to dash to the nearest climbable tree.
Fuck, she thought as she trips and one of the wolves lunges for her ankle. Pushing herself off the ground, she attempts to kick at the wolf gnawing at her now gushing leg. Tears burn at the corners of her eyes as another one of the wolves start to pounce and tear at her leg. This is it.. I'm dead meat. Literally. Ilsa internally snickers at her pun but quickly gets snapped back to reality when her stomach gets slashed open, blood already seeping through the wound and her shirt.
  Fear paralyzed her as it finally dawned upon her. I'm actually getting mauled by wolves in the middle of the forest.. No one is gonna be able to find my body other than the zombies. Ilsa gives up trying to struggle out of the very obvious death situation here. She never cries out for help, because she knows no one will hear her. She knows she's alone and stranded. She knows that she'll turn eventually. She knows..
Back over with Juliette and Owen, they began walking along the empty country roads. Roads? Yep, roads. The duo had both decided to immediately go get more supplies like food and water, and since someone didn't know the way to go, Juliette lead them to the nearest roads. Walking through the blaring sun, the two complain.
"Why did we blow up the school in the middle of the day?? It's like, the hottest part of the day!" Juliette yells. Owen rolls his eyes, "One) stop yelling, you'll attract the zombies. Two) aren't you the one who likes fire and blowing stuff up? Get used to it man." Juliette death glares Owen. "I'm already sick of your shit, why did you have to be the one to follow me.. Ilsa could've followed me, I'm her sister for crying out loud!"
Owen scoffs. "Well I could've been with my brother if you hadn't followed me! He's probably all alone right now because your friends," He makes a face while flailing his arms slightly. "Probably don't even like guys! Half of them are gay or something!" Juliette gawks. "Who the hell told you that??" He rolls his eyes, "That blonde short girl in 7th grade. Why are any of you friends with her by the way, she's a piece of shit."
Owen sighs. "Y'know what, forget it. Let's just find a place to hide out in for now and wait for the others. If they're not dead yet."
Back with Henry and Anna, they've already found an old, abandoned shed in the forest. Anna inspects around the shed as Henry goes inside to look at everything. "Woah.. Anna, look! There's a gun in here!" He shouts, tossing his bag in a corner and running to the gun. "What did you say?-" Anna starts, but gets cut off by Henry screaming and a loud boom from the gun.
  Covering, her ears she looks back at Henry. "What the hell?! Zombies for miles probably heard that gun shot. We'll be stuck in here! Or, WORSE, out in the damn open forest!" Henry cringes and drops the gun, holding his hand(that now hurt from the recoil). "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to, really!" Henry paused as he hears a groan outside of the shed. "Oh shit.." Anna mutters.
  She quickly runs to the doors of the shed and peeks out. A few zombies have already found their way to the barely visible clearing around the shed. One zombie, it's eye hanging and had one arm, turned and looks at Anna. She silently panics as it starts stumbling to the shed. Quickly running out of the shed(that looks like shit tbh, sorry man) and grabbing her backpack, Anna takes the time to go over and stab the zombie before scrambling back into the shed and closing the door behind her.
  Henry laughs nervously. "Well aren't we in a p-pickle.."
   Reese and Hanna have already broken at least three knives. "At least I'm not the one who 'accidentally' broke off the knives handle while slitting down a zombies skull."
"At least I didn't get a knife stuck in a zombie's skull." Both the girls scoff at each other then start laughing. You both are tooootally not bipolar. "Haha, did-did you see that ugly guy?? He had a ring! Who would marry that guy!?" Reese slaps her knee while cackling like a hyena. "And the hair man! The hair! It looked like the hair of a corn on the cob!" Hanna joins her in her knee-slapping laughs.
  Wiping a tear away from her face Hanna sighs. "I'm so glad I didn't get stuck with Henry or Owen. They're weak pieces of shits." Reese immediately turns serious again and death glares Hanna. "Hah, sorry bud, but it's the truth! It's your fault you like short, cute people. Also, don't try looking mad, it's hilarious because you're shorter than me." Hanna pats Reese's head and she snarls and slaps it away. "Don't ever speak of him that way again and you can live to see another day." She says, taking out her hatchet from her own backpack.
  Hanna snorts. "Yeah sure, short shit. Anyways aren't we supposed to be heading to your house for that Katana and your stick."
  "It's a bo staff."
"Yeah yeah, whatever, stick shmick, are we going or not." Reese sighs. "Yeah. It'll be a ways away though, my house is a thirty minute drive from here. It's no doubt an hour walk." Hanna groans. "Why can't you live closer to the school??"
  "Because my family isn't rich and can't just more from one house to another, Ya idiot." Reese says while grabbing the collar of a passing zombie's shirt and slamming the hatchet down on its skill, blood rolling down its head like a waterfall. Hanna snorts again, getting out a knife and stabbing another zombie in the eye, pulling out the knife and flicking the eye off of it. "Hey Reese, what do you call an alligator in a vest."
"An investigator!" Hanna cackles again as Reese groans. "You're an idiot."

Pop-eye zombie
Reese and Hanna's conversation zombies

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