Chapter 7

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I'm at the top of the watch post. I remember back to when I was stuck in that feeble school.. With Sasha.. Those idiots at the cafeteria..
I look out the window and point my gun at one of the zombies. Only, it's not a zombie at all. Those stupid.. STUPID girls from the school.. It's been so long. Heh.. I aim the gun's sight to the head of the shortest girl. Then...
I fire.. There's yelling.. I fall backwards. There's a mix of people yelling though, and it's two different people's names.
I sit up gasping for air while looking around the pitch black room. "Vernon? Sasha..?" I mouth.

3rd person

Sasha glares at Ilsa, staying silent. Henry jumps as the cafeteria doors are kicked open. "WHATS UP FUCKERS!" Reese yells, throwing the knife into a wall near Kian's head. Anna giggles, still excited that her idea of the goggles worked. Hanna nods at Ilsa and Juliette. Nathan starts walking in. "Did these little shits do anything? If they did, what did you do. I want to be the one to kill them."
  Ilsa shakes her head. "All I did was slap her. Speaking of hers, where's Meg?" Reese's mood turns dark.
  "I killed the bitch." She snarls. Hanna laughs at her. "Technically the zombie's killed her and you just ended her undead time." Nathan says. Reese rolls her eyes. "Potato patado, same thing." Sasha looks at Reese with a questioning look. "Eh.. Hey, you're that asshat at the track meet who shoved me down those metal stairs..! I fractured my ankle because of you! Why did you even push me?!"
Reese grabs her by the collar. "Because you pushed my senpai down in the 800 meter run and got him disqualified, you bitch." Reese shoves Sasha down after Kian smacks her shoulder. Hanna sighs. "Shut up about your stupid little crush, he's going to get you killed." Anna nods.
Juliette groans. "We just need to get out of the school, this place is a death trap anyways." Nathan grabs Kian and Sasha by the arm and drags them to the kitchen. "I vote, we kill these two. They're from another school, we can't trust them." Nathan says.
  Anna shakes her head and snatches Nathan's knife. "No. They can be bait if we need to, and besides, they could have siblings who went here! Do you?" She asks, turning to the two. Sasha shakes her head. "Nope. My dad was the principal though." Anna nods and turns to Kian.
  "What about you?" Kian says nothing, shaking his head. Anna glares. "I asked you something, I expect an answer at the very least." Kian once again stays silent.
  Anna sighs. "Didn't want it to come to this but.." She trails off, raising her hand and giving Kian a slap across the face. "Did you have any relation to this school." Sasha growls, "stop it, he's mute you dumb ass. He can't speak, got in a car crash a while ago."
  Owen walks back in from the kitchen with some extra knives. "Aren't you two from All Saints? You're from the track meet, the one girl who got me disqualified." Sasha nods hesitantly. "At least you didn't get a fractured ankle." Reese's face lights up and Hanna snickers. "Glad I didn't lose him otherwise I'd be a dead woman by now.." She mutters.
  Juliette takes some knives from Owen while starting to speak, "I vote we start raiding the rest of the school of their possible weapons. Then food and water and use the backpacks as our bags. Anyone else agree? Raise your hand." Ilsa, Sasha, Kian, Anna, Owen, and Henry raise their hands.
Henry speaks up. "We can raid the builders shop and the martial arts club area first. They should have like, weapons and things right?" Reese nods. "Yeah, the martial arts room had some metal nunchucks and a wooden training katana. If we head to my house after we leave the school I can get my dad's katana and my Bo staff."
  Nathan raises his hand. "Can I have the nunchucks!?" Anna shrugs. "Yeah sure." Hanna raises her hand. "I'm headed to the gym for our archery stuff."
  "I'm going to the home economics stuff, they'll probably have some fire stuff. Knives too."
  "I'm gonna head to Mr. Pye's office, he has a gun."
  "Wait- seriously? Since when was Mr. Pye a violent person..?" Ilsa asks. How is she completely baffled by this? He was the gym teacher.. Juliette nods.
"We had a false alarm lockdown and he got it out just in case. It was pretty cool." Hanna facepalms. "It's the middle of the apocalypse and you're asking why our gym teacher had a gun? Don't you think there are more important things at hand right now?!" Juliette shrugs. "She asked."
Reese is currently sneaking away with one of the kitchens knives before Anna grabs a hold of her sweaters hood. "No you don't. I'm going with you." Reese groans. "Fiinneeee! Anyone else following to the martial arts room?" Henry raises his hand. "I am!" He runs over after grabbing two knives and hands one to Anna. "Better a small knife than none." He says, opening the door.
Anna frowns and takes the knife. "Reese you better kill most of them for me." The two follow Henry into the halls.
Hanna throws her hands in the air. "We'll look at that! They left." She sighs and rubs her eyes. Groaning, she smacks a hand on the table. "Alright, who's going where. Stay in groups." Hanna grabs Juliette and Ilsa's wrist and walks off to the home economics classroom.
Owen turns to Nathan. "Buddies then, I guess..?" He says, slightly shrugging. Nathan rolls his eyes. "fine. Get a damn knife, we're to the martial arts class for those nunchucks.." Owen sighs and nods, grabbing two knives and hands one to Nathan. "Let's go I guess.. Getting weapons for survival..? Totally my favorite thing to do on a Friday.."

Safe day...

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