Chapter 9

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I walk down the bare street, the blaring hot sun beating down on my already burned face. I hit my fist against the metal sheet stacked against our barricade. "Still on your shift, Emma?"
  She throws a used bullet at me and I laugh. "I'll take that as a yes.." I say before turning around. Our group is made up of a lot of different people.. That is, if they're capable of surviving.
  The elderly are killed or thrown out. They can not survive an apocalypse and, in the long run, we're doing them a favor. Kids under the age of 10 are thrown out or killed. They are just more mouths to feed and take up other precious time. The ill or injured are killed and used as more barricade. They wouldn't survive..

Third person

  Juliette and Hanna rush to the closet after hearing the scream. "Ilsa..? Where the hell are you, it's pitch black in here!" Juliette calls. Ilsa struggles but managed to kick the flashlight as far as she could to the door. "Here you little shit nuggets! Now help me or I'm going to freaking die! Speaking of nuggets, I'd really like some McDonalds.."
  Hanna rolls her eyes at Ilsa and grabs the flashlight. Juliette grabs her matches and lights one, running to the zombie and lighting it on fire. Ilsa kicks the zombie away and sighs, rubbing her hands. "Man, that zombie smelled like a bathroom after someone who ate Taco Bell just took a shit in."
  Hanna stares at the zombie burning. "That made absolutely no sense." Hanna says, turning around.
"That made perfect sense!" Juliette yells, stomping on the burnt zombies head that's started to cave in, blood pooling around their feet. Ilsa high-fives Juliette with a grin and they leave the closet.
  Hanna turns back to the zombie that is still burning like a chicken nugget. She sighs and pinches the bridge of her nose. "I'm going to so regret saying this.." No you're not Hanna. No you're not.
  She grabs a random kid's water bottle and pours it on the dead zombies body. As the fire sizzles to a stop, Hanna whispers, "Only you can prevent forest fires.."

Anna, Henry, and Reese exit the first martial arts room with their backpacks overflown with items. "We need to get back to the cafeteria soon, I'm pretty sure the two idiots left.." Henry says, fiddling with the rope. "If they're still there, we tie them up and before we leave, they die." Reese says, getting the knife from her belt and stabbing a zombie that passes.
  Anna winces. "At least most of the zombies in this floors halls are dead..?" Henry nods. "Juliette showed an interest in explosives and fire and stuff.. Maybe we can set it on fire before we leave..?" Anna opens the cafeteria door, walking in.
  The two idiots look up at them, holding half of their food. "Oh. You guys are still alive.." Reese's face turns red with anger, snatching the rope from Henry, and stomping up to them. Kian drops the food he has and gets in a fighting stance. Anna and Henry follow Reese, grabbing Sasha by the wrists and dragging her back.
   Kian throws a punch to Reese's face, a pretty powerful punch to be honest.. Like damn, you've got your shit together Kian..
Reese ducks under the punch, grabbing his wrist in the process. Spinning behind him and pinning his arm to his back, Reese grabs the rope and kicks the back of his leg.
  He attempts to use his free arm to catch his fall and instead gets the arm caught. Glaring down at him, she twists his right arm a little more and knees the elbow, the bone snapping loudly as Kian shrieks. Sasha screams and pulls against Henry and Anna who are restraining her. "WHAT THE HELL DID YOU JUST DO?!" Sasha yells as Reese ties the now crying Kian's wrist together behind his back.
  Reese shrugs and pulls him up. "I did what was necessary." Anna starts tying Sasha's wrists with some struggle. "Please stop moving, it'll make this easier.." Anna whispers. Sasha starts crying. "YOU'RE A MONSTER!"

Nathan walks beside Owen, opening the cafeteria doors. Their eyes widen at the scene that's played out infront of them. Reese looks over after tossing the poor crying boy to the floor again. She looks over and her eyes widen. Nathan and Owen speed walk over. "What in the world happened?!-" Nathan cuts Owen's sentence short by sprinting to Sasha, taking out his knife, and stabbing her skull.
Anna shrieks and hides her face, the blood splattering about. Henry yells, dragging Anna away and to Owen. Poor little Kian is bawling and can't say a thing because he's mute. Reese glares at Nathan. "What in the world was that for, they're still precious life!" She stomps over.
"Says the one who tried to kill Meg who apparently tried to kill your senpai ON A HIKING TRIP AT SCHOOL!" He shouts back. "Besides, they tried to take our food, tried to kill us, and insulted us! I'd at least try to make sure the USEFUL ONE is dead!" Reese clenches her fist and sighs. Bringing a hand up, she slaps him.
"Ask before you kill!" She yells back. As the whole scene unravels(*shrieking the tokyo ghoul theme*) Hanna, Ilsa, and Juliette are sneaking in. Nathan's face turns red in anger, swinging a kick to Reese's side. Blocking it with her wrist, she attempts a side kick. As she spins back around, Nathan tackles her, fist raised. Hanna decides it might be a good time to not have them kill one another, so she starts yelling.
"Reese I swear to god, stop fighting people for once!" She jogs over with the other two girls as the other two continue to throw punches and hits to each other. Ilsa and Hanna grab Reese and pull her back as she struggles. "LET ME GO!" (Let it goooo~ I'm sorry, I'll see myself out)
Juliette, being the tall shit she is, pulls Nathan away. Being the more possibly rational one, Nathan calms down as Reese thrashes about and the girls start yelling. Reese grumbles, bites Ilsa's hand, and elbows Hanna, pushing them away and stomping to the kitchen area.
Henry and Anna sigh. "Well that was eventful.."

Chicken nugget zombie

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