Chapter 14

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Juliette hesitated to move her arms from above her head in fear of what might have just happened. She, however, said fuck it and looked up anyways. The poor dog was on the wooden floors, knocked out cold, possibly dead, beside a metal folding chair.

"Dude! Why did you hit it?" Juliette screamed at her shorter companion, gesturing to her limp dog. He completely flipped out.

"If I didn't hit it, you'd be dead, you retard!" He yelled back at her. "What would you've done? It was gonna maul you!" She glared at him one last time and started to get up. Owen examined the limp dog. "I don't think that was even a dog.. I'm pretty sure that's an over grown fox. Or small wolf, either work, really." Owen's tone went down as he scouted out the rest of the hall for more... things.

Juliette sighs as she gets up. "You just.. You don't kill dogs, man. It's not right.." Owen grumbles and rolls his eyes. Dragging the dog into the room it came from, he also sighs.

"Whatever. Let's just raid the rest of this place and get going. We have to find Henry. And your sister, if you want." He said, searching the room for whatever supplies he could find. After about another hour, the two left the house and continued on to the forest. Considering the others didn't know the mapping of the land as well as them, they figured they'd still be lost in the forest. And after all that searching through the house and killing some zombies(and other things), they only managed to pick up the food they found in the pantry, some Fullmetal Alchemist mangas the room had(she was trash, she just had to) and some snazzy sweaters.

Anna paced around the shed. "If we're gonna be stuck in here and probably die, shouldn't we at least try to call for help?!" she shouted. Henry shrugged at her.

"Go for it, if you want. It'll probably attract more zombies though.." Henry said, leaned up against their rumbling barricade. Anna rolls her eyes and grabs the gun from her belt, finding a tall window, and grabbing a box to step up on. Once she broke the window open and made sure it was out of reach of the zombies below, she stuck her torso out and fired their ammo into the air, screaming for help.

"Someone! Anyone! Help?!" She shot their last bullet into the sky and finally, she saw them. Eyes wide, she chucked the gun back into the shed as she heard a little yelp from Henry. "Juliette! Owen! Oh my god, help us!" Anna frantically waved her hands around. The duo outside the shed got out their weapons quietly and started climbing a nearby tree. Freaking the fuck out, because 'Who climbs a tree to kill zombies?!', Anna huffs and ducks back into the shed, careful to not accidentally cut herself on stray pieces of glass.

Henry stares at her in disappointment. "Did they abandon us because they're too scared to kill the zombies outside..?" He asks. Anna shakes her head as she paces throughout the shed again.

"I don't know! They couldn't have possibly completely left, though, it's your brother for fucks sake-" Anna cuts herself off by shrieking with Henry as the two hear a thump on the roof of the rickety old shed. Had the zombies found a way onto the top of the shed? Was there even a way onto the roof? What in the world was going on? I don't know anymore! Whatever was on the roof started stomping, breaking a hole in the molding wood and letting a small ray of sunlight in, all while the monsters outside eerily tried to tear at the door and its barricade. A familiar face poked into view where the sunlight once was.

"Hey, do you guys have any boxes to climb up to here on?" Anna and Henry's faces broke out into a massive grin as the two started laughing and yelling. They began shoving and lifting the boxes to make steps up as the other two continued creating a hole for them to get through.

"Yes, yes of course we do! Oh my god, I'm so glad you two are here. It's only been a couple hours and we were so lonely." Henry screamed, aggravating the zombies that could have heard him. When the two above them were finally able to make the gap big enough, Henry and Anna climbed up and onto the roof. "So... What now?"

Hanna cackles at the girl in front of her, completely wrapped up in jackets, gloves, and even whatever blankets they could find in all the wreckage. Catching her breath, she pours some alcohol onto a cotton ball and starts to clean the struggling cat's ear. Death gripping her cat and enduring scratches, Reese grumbles.

"Make sure no alcohol gets in his eye."

"And don't completely drench him with it, his skin is sensitive"

"And be careful with his leg, he has feelings too."

"I said be careful! You're gonna break it more than it already is broken. Cats are more fragile-"

Hanna finally snaps at Reese. "Relax, woman! It's going to hurt him no matter what, because the leg needs to be set in place. You don't want it to heal and have him with a leg sticking out to the side, it's impractical!" She yells as she pauses wrapping the cat's leg. "Besides, you wouldn't let me hold him, so you can't wrap his leg." Reese grumbles at Hanna's logic.

"Fine. But after you wrap him up, we're putting him in my backpack and looking for food and leaving to find the other five. We don't need more shit like this.." Hanna nods and finishes up. Helping put smudge in Reese's backpack and taking off all the extra blankets and clothes, the two set off to the remaining buildings to search for more food and weapons.

After about two hours of searching, however, the two sit down and assess what they've collected. Hanna had found the katana Reese was talking about in the ruble, some duct tape (which she figured they could wrap their arms and legs in if they needed to, just in case they happened to be stuck in a predicament) a bag of food and drinks, and a leather jacket also to help in case she happened to get a little bitten(because leather is thick and harder to cut through.)

Reese had found her bo staff, a pack of Gatorade, and a small pillow and blanket for Smudge to lay on in her backpack. Just as the girls were getting up off a rock and packing their things, they hear distant growls. Looking up, they notice a small group of zombies stumbling and limping into the neighborhood. And just when they thought they'd catch a break, too..

"Are you fucking serious?" Reese mumbles. And with that, the duo sneaks off quietly to find shelter or to run.


Overgrown fox/small wolf thing (We really didn't know)

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