Chapter 18

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   The four stare up the side of the abandoned storage units, desperately trying to think of a way to get to the roof. 

   "We could all climb on each other's shoulders and lift everyone up?" Anna suggested. Henry snorts and shakes his head. 

   "Three out of four of us are basically five foot nothing, I doubt that would work." He said, patting Owen and Anna's heads. Owen grumbles, pushing his hand off. 

   "I'm taller than you at least. Anyways, we need to find a way up before more zombies show up." He says, walking around the corner of the storage units to try and find something to climb up to the roof on. Anna pauses, then laughs.

   "These are storage units, should't there be a ladder somewhere?" She asks. Juliette shrugs. 

   "Can't I just lift one of you shorties up?" She asks, cupping her hands and leaning over for one of them to step up. Henry shake his head and pushes her arm back to her sides. Anna, however, screams so high pitched that almost no one can hear it while sprinting at Juliette. 

   "I want a lift!" She shouted. Startled, Juliette puts her hands back in time to catch Anna. Both of the girls wobble around, catching their balance. Owen stares at them from afar in confusion. Juliette attempts the lift Anna as high as she possibly could. But Juliette isn't the strongest tool in the shed. As Anna falls to the ground, she squeals loudly.

   Henry sighs. "You guys are so freaking weird..." A loud clank is heard next to the building. The three whips their heads around to see what the noise was, spotting Owen holding a ladder still.

   "Since you guys are dumb asses and were loud as hell, you're all gonna attract more zombies. You're lucky I'm not stupid and found a ladder for us." He pats the metal and waves them over. "C'mon, I'll hold it steady while you guys climb." The others cautiously walk over.

   "I'll go first." Henry says while stepping onto the first ladder link. Owen shakes the ladder as Henry starts to climb. 

   "HeeEy!" Henry yells while clutching onto the ladder, Owen laughing from the ground. Anna lightly smacks his shoulder. 

   "Dude, do you know how many zombies probably heard that?" Anna whisper-yells at him, steadying the ladder by herself. "Keep climbing Henry. Juliette, you climb next." Henry nods and keeps climbing up the ladder, Juliette swaggering up. Eventually, Owen is the last one to climb, getting startled at a Jumper trying to get over the fencing. 

   "Oh, great going guys, we attracted more zombies. Can you all be quiet for once in your lives?" He whisper shouts at the others. Anna snickers from the roof, not visible to the boy climbing the ladder. 

   "We were. We also almost killed your brother to keep him from coughing and me from getting my head bit off." Owen shakes his head. However, the chill mood is soon broken by Owen slipping off the ladder and falling to the ground with a thump, the metal ladder soon following his example. He sighs, dusting off dirt his pants. while doing so, he hears yet another thump. 

  "Hah hah, very funny guys. Make fun of me, whatever. At least help me lift the ladder up." He says, looking up. Across the way near the chain linked fence was a rotting corpse, fumbling up to its feet. 

   "Oh crap..."

   Hanna sits back up immediately, yelling to her friend somewhere in the house, "I'm bringing my stuff upstairs! You should do the same." Cringing when she realized that the undead out in the sun might've heard, she speed walked down the stairs. Hearing an angry grumble from upstairs, she saw her friend slouching down the stairs. 

   "You couldn't have let me take a nap?" Reese sighs out, snatching her stuff up from the ground and standing up straight to face her friend. Hanna grinned at her. 

   "C'mon, we have a chance to actually hang out instead of dying in class. You're not gonna take advantage of the situation?" She inquired, dragging Reese along. She shrugs.

   "I guess so. Not my fault if I fall asleep." Reese snickers, getting out of the girl's grasp and jogging to her room, grabbing Smudge and returning. Hanna threw the door open, kicking the stray trophies that lay on the ground before tossing her stuff down. 

   "What's with the broken trophies on the floor?" She asked, closing the door behind her and setting Smudge down. Hanna shrugs.

   "It was like that when I got here. No clue what happened." She lied, so as to not sound petty. The other girl rolls her eyes while grinning, before jumping at the banging on the front door, the undead making an awful attempt to get it down. Hanna snickers at her. 

   "Relax, they won't get in here. Soon we'll be able to grab the rest of your stuff from your room and get out of here. We'll be fine." Hanna reassured the other girl. Reese nodded and carefully walked over to the bed to sit down. 

   "After we find the others and get out of here, we should go to this one construction site near what used to be Urban Culture. They might have lots of weaponry goodies for us." She says, falling onto her back. Hanna shook her head.

   "We should find more people. More people, more power. Even if we don't find more living people, we can still take their stash of food and weapons instead of having to go out and get our own." Hanna said, laughing lightly at the end of her sentence. Her laugh is cut off by another smack on the front door, followed by a loud bang of the wood hitting the downstairs floor. The two girls get up in alarm, stumbling to the room's door. Hanna swung it open and peeked her head out. Down the slight of stairs was a completely open front door, zombies pushing their way in. 


Door Senpai

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