Chapter 8

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I stare up at a broken down, rusty watch post. "I can fix this dump.. Maybe it'll be better if I find more survivors..?" I kick the door lightly and it creeks open. "Hmm.. Maybe.."

3rd person

Hanna kicks the door to the home ec. room open, still fuming. "Dumb ass motherfucking Reese and Anna and Henry, I'm gonna fucking kill them, I swear, they will fucking die soon.." She mutters, snatching rope and a bow.
  Juliette's eyes light up as she finds a lighter in boxes of left over stuff. "TIME TO LIGH-!" Ilsa smacks her shoulders. "No setting people on fire."
Juliette pouts and crosses her arms. "Well technically I was gonna light the school on fire after we left but.. Thanks for the idea." She grins at Ilsa and turns to search for a canister of at least something to make a makeshift flame thrower.
   Ilsa rolls her eyes and walks in the closet. Searching the shelves, she finds a flashlight a someone's old lost and found backpack. Grinning, Ilsa grabs them both and turns the flashlight on to walk deeper into the seemingly endless dusty closet. She snickers and facepalms.
  Shouting to the other two, she turns around. "I'm so far in the closet I found Jean!" Ilsa hears the other groan and she laughs.
  Hanna continues grumbling as she throws stuff quietly around. "I swore there was a needle in here.." Juliette yelps as she pulls her hand out of the box. Glaring at the box she says, "found the needles.." Hanna grins and snatches the box away from her. Pulling the knitting needles from their bag while pulling the string and half finished scarf off of them, she stares at it.
  "It'll be good to put them onto guns so if we need to, we can stab the zombies  with it." Hanna says, putting them in her backpack. Juliette nods. "Good idea-" Ilsa cuts her off by screaming. It's not very nice To cut people off, Ilsa..
  Juliette hops up with her, now finished, makeshift flamethrower. Ilsa struggles with a zombie in the dim lighting. She had dropped the flashlight in the process of getting her knife and she was pinned to the wall while having a strength contest with a zombie.
  Who could get there first? Will Ilsa be strong enough to get the knife through that skull or will the zombie be just close enough to her throat to tear into it? To be honest, Ilsa should be winning with all those fencing lessons..
   Reese opens the martial arts classroom door slowly, knife ready. She walks in and kicks a zombie's leg, stabbing it when it on the ground. Signaling the other two in, Henry and Anna walk in. Henry holds another zombie down as Anna walks up and stabs it for him.
  Henry nods. "Thanks.." Anna shrugs. "It's nothing." Reese pulls Henry up. "You wanted the katana, no? Get it already, I'll look for other weapons with Anna. Firstly though, we're blocking the door." Henry walks to the back of the room as Anna starts to push a shelf. "Help me with this, would you? Sheesh, lazy shit." Anna grins at Reese as she jokes.
  Reese just gives an emotionless look and helps her push the shelves. Anna's grin falls and she puts on a questioning look. "Not the time I guess?" She asks, brushing her hands off on her pants.
  Reese snickers and messes around with some metal nunchucks. "You think? It's the starting of the apocalypse, our whole families are probably dead, and we have no clue what survivors are good vs bad, I don't think now's the time for shitty jokes, Anna."
Anna gives a confused and saddened face. Sure, Reese was a pretty mean person, but this wasn't exactly normal. Nor was Hanna and Juliette's attitude. She shook her head as Reese turned away from her. The apocalypse has definitely changed her point of view on life and the way she does things, but it didn't mean it would change her attitude to her closest friends.
Henry grins as he holds up the katana. "This is awesome!" He yells, swinging it around. Reese glares at him as she catches his wrist, the katana inches from her face. "Watch where you're swinging that, West." Reese's face softens as he winces. "Sorry.. Really.." Reese shakes her head and pushes the katana down.
Nathan grins and slams the door to the martial arts 3rd room open. "Nunchucks here I come!" Owen snickers as he walks in behind him, Nathan already killing the seven zombies in the room. "Excited much? I just need a knife or something.. Do you even know how to use nunchucks?" Owen asks grabbing and examining a pair of Brass knuckles.
"Why in the world does the school have these?! These are awesome!" Nathan shrugs at his questions. "I have no clue, but one thing is for sure.. They're definitely useful. Considering we have to kill undead people." Owen shrugs in agreement. "True, but still. Take in note that we're killing undead people right now, and that means there very well could have been an easy murder before."
Nathan looks up, thinking. "I guess that's true.. But seriously, a martial arts room full of murderous weapons are like the jackpot, especially considering we're in a school. Don't think it's to often there's clubs like these at different school." He grabs the pair of nunchucks he was looking for. Metal, and strong metal too. Could definitely bash a head in.
Owen takes the brass knuckles and puts them in his backpack. "I wonder if the others found anything.. Also, I reaaalllly hope those two kids didn't leave the cafeteria since we didn't exactly tie them in place.. If they did leave..?" Owen turns to Nathan, continuing his sentence. "I hope they died. They threatened my brother, they threatened classmates, and they threatened the lower classes.. They deserve to die a brutal, bloody, and painful death.. They shouldn't be allowed to survive in this hell of a new world.."

Martial arts zombies

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