Chapter 13

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  Reese stares at her house, completely reduced to rubble. All of the homes around her's were also just piles of brick and drywall. Hanna stood there, speechless. "How..?" Reese shakes her head, walking onto the debris.
  "I don't know. Maybe it was bombs or something? All I know is that everything is either buried or broken, search for the katana and bo staff." She says, turning stuff over. Hanna stared at her for a second before following her actions.
  "Shouldn't we go scavenging through other's homes? They should have more stuff than these.. Graveyards," Hanna says. "Besides, the people probably lost their shit and tried to leave immediately. There has to be more than this." Reese inhales heavily.
  "Look, I'm not saying we're just going to search here. All we're doing is looking for the katana and bo staff and we can leave or search other homes. What would it matter anywa-" Reese's words get cut of by a yowl. "What the hell.." Hanna turns to Reese with a confused look and shrugs. Both turn to where the sound came from and walk over.
  Hanna gasps. "Is that Smudge?!" The two run over, tripping on the wreckage and stopping in front of the cat. The girl pet the cat's head as Reese examined him. His back left leg was smashed underneath a rock of debris, part of his ear was torn, and his face was scratched, but other than that, the cat was fine. Reese huffed out a sigh of relief.
"Thank god he's ok," she said. "I was beginning to think I'd lose everyone I loved." Hanna tilts her head at her. "Isn't Owen still alive?" She asked.
   "For all I know, he could be dead. Better not to get your hopes up, right?" Reese shrugs. The taller girl gets up and lifts the rock so Reese can safely pick up the meowing cat. "Should we keep him in a backpack..? I don't think I'd be very safe with his leg.." Reese said, cuddling the cat to her chest.
  "We should wrap it up first and clean his ear and face. We don't want him getting an infection." Hanna said, getting out what trashy medical supplies the school nurse had before the break out. "Well that may be a problem.." Reese trailed off. "Smudge sorta.. claws everything..." Smiling sheepishly, she laughs quietly.

  Over with Anna and Henry, they're both panicking, shoving more heavy things in front of the crappy wooden door. After there's a chair, box, and three big shelves closing the doors for them, then finally relaxed. Except Anna. She jumped up and spun to Henry, yelling, "Did you leave your bag outside?!"
He looked terrified for a second before nodding slowly. "Yeah..? I tossed it outside with yours after I grabbed the gun.." She almost screamed in frustration.
"Dude, your bag has that katana! We could've been out of here by now!" Anna sighs and covers her face with her hands, leaning her head against the wall. Come to think of it, I really wish I hadn't yelled.. More zombies came slamming against the door. Henry and Anna silently screamed as Anna scrambled over next to him.
Quietly, she whisper yells, "This is fucking insane! Are you sure we're not dreaming? Because this sure seems like a damn vivid dream!" Henry shakes his head violently. "I wish this was a dream! Maybe I can make it just a dream..?" His gaze fell upon the gun he had recently shot, and as his hand started to reach for it, Anna smacked him.
"Oh no you don't! You are not committing suicide while locked in a shed with me! You are going to snap the fuck out of it, wait for those zombies to clear, and you're going to help to escape this trashy shed." She snapped at him. Henry whimpered, but then lunged at the gun to grab it. Anna took quick notice and tackled him, snatching the gun and putting it in her back belt.
"You are not quitting on me West, you hear?? This world is life and death, and I know life is a hell of a lot worse than death, but you have a brother to find. And if your brother finds me all alone with your dead carcass rotting next to me, that's going to be three people less surviving! So suck it up. We wait until night, or until these little assholes," she pointed at the rumbling door and barricade, "quit knocking on our door." She hops off of him and lends a hand. "Now get up." He stares up at her hand, then to her face that was littered with determination. Henry grabs her hand and allows himself to be lifted off the wooden floors.

Juliette walks around the second floor of the house, backpack filled with food and water bottles.
"Hey, did you search upstairs yet??" Juliette called down the stairs. She heard a muffled answer to her question, but assumed that it was a no and continued searching anyways. Her head snapped to a door once it started rumbling for whatever reason. Juliette, being oblivious to what it might be, decided to open the door anyways. Slowly creeping up, she grabbed the door's handle and pulled it open.
   Inside the room was a tattered, scared dog. The dog turned to Juliette and snarled.
  "What the fuckle duckle?!" She shrieks. Jumping back from the dog she looks at it closely as best as possible as it lurks closer to her. It's fur was all ruffled and clumped up, crusty from dried blood. It growled once more before sprinting to Juliette. There was blood around it's mouth, only it was fresh. She peered around the dog to find a small zombie's corpse, arm torn off.
   Juliette came to her senses and turned her attention to the ferocious, starving dog. Screaming, she brings her arms to cover her head and face. Instead of being attacked by the dogs jaw, Juliette heard yelling and two loud ass thumps.

safe day..

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