Chapter 12.5

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The vernon guy seemed nice. This tall, tan girl with black hair and brown eyes even gave me a white board and marker. Vernon had called her Izzy. I wonder if that's her full name? We had started walking around about an hour ago, and Vernon had been asking me questions a lot. I wonder if he's usually this nice?
"How are you liking Wolfpine so far..? It's only been a little bit, so I wouldn't expect much, but we're almost fully done with our little tour." He said, pausing only to pat little girl on the head, she looked about 13. Considering I couldn't exactly speak, it took me a while to write everything down. 'It's nice. You seem like you have a lot of people, how many are in here?' He sighed slightly and kept walking.
Walking for a little longer, he banged his fist against a metal sheet-which I assumed was a makeshift 'wall'- and yelled up, "Hey Emma! Find anything interesting yet? There seems to be a lot of hot bullets down here," he paused and winked up at her. "Just like you."
The girl, who I guessed to be named Emma, rolled her eyes at him. "Keep it in your pants you idiotic New Yorker." She had light brown hair and what looked like blueish greenish eyes. With all the energy I could muster up, I chuckled a little as a laugh. Whoever this Emma chick was seemed ok enough.
My laugh apparently got her attention. She turned and looked down at us, holding a rather large sniper rifle. Her hair was in a frizzy and messy braid to the side and she seemed to have a nice resting face, but as soon as she saw me she scowled.
"I thought we were picking off the useless, not taking them in. What were you thinking, Vernon? What drugs were you on?" She snickered at him as she glanced at my wrapped up arm and shins. "Do I know you from somewhere?"
I quickly scribbled on my marker board. 'I'm from Paris.' She hummed.
"Did you happen to see any girls there? Preferably alive.." Glancing down, I glared at my board and violently wrote. 'There was this small batch of girls that attacked me and killed my friend.' Emma frowned.
"They wouldn't do that, so it's not them.. Thanks anyway." I nodded at her. I turned to Vernon and wrote more. 'Hey, do you have any family or significant others? Or do you run this place alone?'
He shook his head. "I have family here, my brother, but no girlfriends." I tilted my head and write, 'Why?'
Vernon gives this super stern face and holds onto my shoulders. "Why? Why, my friend? Because love just steals away your happiness, and leaves you there to drown."

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