Chapter 10

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I continue to sprint away from the burning school while holding my arm. Holy shit were those kids insane. Why the hell would he just stab Sasha like that?! Then offer to stay in the school to detonate a bomb?! And that bipolar little bitch, the one with colorful hair, why in the damn world would she break my elbow! Where does she even learn to do that!?
I stop my running when I run into a watch tower of some sort. There's fire on torches around so I'm going to assume at least someone is here. I hear the clicking of a gun and I look up at this one guy in the tower, sniper pointed towards me.
"Name, age, and why're you here."

Third person

Anna sighs and stares at the door Reese just stomped out of. "We need to leave this school today, it's driving some of us insane.." She says, rubbing her head. Hanna nods, "But didn't we agree to explode the school while we leave? How in the hell are we supposed to do that."
Juliette perks up a bit. "Did any of you grab stuff from the chem. lab because I know how to make a fucking powerful ass bomb!" Ilsa smacks Juliette. "You realize how that last part of the sentence sounded, right??" She asks. Juliette sighs. "You and your wandering A.D.D brain.."
Ilsa pouts and opens her mouth to talk but gets cut off. "I don't think any of us grabbed the right materials, the chemicals we need are probably still locked in the chem. cabinet." Owen says. Juliette glares at him and says, "How do you know??"
Owen facepalms. "I was in the same grade and chem. class as you.. Mrs. E, remember?" Juliette stares into space for a while. "Oh.. I suppose so.. Well, since we both know what I need to make the explosives, let's go gather them and bring them back." She says and jumps up.
As the two walk out the door with weapons in hand, Anna turns to Henry, Nathan, Ilsa, and Hanna, who are the only other ones left in the room. And the silently crying Kian, but no one cares about him. "Uh.. Should someone talk to Reese, or..?" Hanna shakes her head. "It's probably best we leave her alone for now, we can get her when they come back with the chemicals. I don't think it'll be a very pretty sight if she found out Owen went with Juliette alone.."
"I suppose so.." Anna says, "Shouldn't we gather the food we could eat if we were going to blow up the school?" Nathan nods. "Good point." Ilsa jumps up and run to the food on the floor that the two idiots were holding before. Picking them up she says, "Oh hey, there's bread! Oh my Lordy, do you know how rare bread is going to be?! My grandma will have nothing to do because she feeds the ducks! Speaking of ducks, I wonder if their species has been wiped out yet??-"
  Nathan cuts Ilsa off. "I hope the Ilsa species gets wiped out.." Ilsa glares at him and chucks a frozen lunchables at him. "Eat shit, you fucking idiot." Nathan glares at her. "For your information, lunchables were the bomb."
  Hanna speaks up, "Are they bomb enough to explode the school??"
"I mean.. I guess." Nathan says, shrugging. "They are just food and plastic..-" Hanna cuts him off. "Dude, I was being sarcastic."
"Yeah well so was I-" Henry clamps his hands over both of their mouths. "Shush. I've had enough arguing." He sighs and rests his head on the table. "I'm so over this whole apocalypse thing.. I just want this to be over."
  Anna looks at him in concern. "If you're talking about suicide, I'm pretty sure your brother wouldn't like that.." She says, picking up food and stuffing it in backpacks. "Man, screw him. He can stay with this damn stupid apocalypse and suffer, but I'm going to take the easy way out. Eventually.."
  Hanna and Nathan glare at him. "The easy way out is a cure to whatever virus  started this shit." They say in unison. Anna continues to pick up food as they bicker, and the moonlight starts to shine through the closed windows. Henry, asleep on the small bench attached to the tables, jumps and shrieks as a small explosion is heard from the hallways.
"OWEN, GOD DAMN IT, I TOLD YOU TO KEEP THOSE AWAY FROM THE HEAT!" The group in the cafeteria huddle near the door, confused expressions played across their faces.
"I KNOW, I DIDNT MEAN TO!" They hear shout back. Ilsa facepalms and shakes her head. "They're going to end up attracting so many more zombies than we already have.." Nathan rolls his eyes. "At least that's more zombies to blow up."
"Yeah yeah.." She replies. Anna moves the other four away from the door as it is practically kicked down by a tired and annoyed Juliette and Owen. Juliette slams the box of chemicals and other things on the table as Owen follows her actions, flopping on the ground. Juliette runs out of the room quickly and comes back with a burnt box, glass shards sticking out in some places.
Hanna stares at the box. "What the actual fuck happened." She asks, sitting on bench. Juliette sighs. "Long story short, explosion. Now get up here and let me teach you how to make explosives before we sleep."

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