Chapter 6

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  I walked around. Outside still, and I was covered in blood completely. After slaughtering one fourth of the school, I looked down at the corpse of the school's first nurse. I started laughing.
  I grabbed the circular saw and started it up, holding it to the nurses right shoulder. It started buzzing and blood flew everywhere. It got stuck in the bone half way through, so I started moving it to the sides. Then I got up, grabbed the shoulder from the inside, blood and muscle gushing like a river as I started pulling and twisting the arm.
  A satisfied, evil grin appeared on my face as I saw the bone started to shatter. It cracked and crackled like a falling tree as I tore the rest of the arm away from the shoulder. I turned around and continued to do this to the left arm, left and right legs, and the head, all while laughing.

3rd person

  Anna quickly jumped up and grabbed the swim teams bags, tearing the goggles away from whatever clothes the girls and boys had. Reese walked up behind her. "What the hell are you going to do with the goggles?" Wow, so nice Reese, so nice. Anna giggles, "I told you, you'll see." She tightens all the goggles to smallest setting and gets up, the array of rainbow coloured goggles hanging from her arms. "Let's go." She says.
The three kids open the door, knives in hand, and stab the zombie's crowding the door. After that and the corpses fall, they step outside the door with knives raised. Anna walks behind them as they form a slight triangle. Hanna kicks the knee of one and it falls. "Let's kill these son of a bitches."
They slowly make their way down the sixth grade hallways. Anna steps out of the circle and starts to put the goggle on one of the zombies. Struggling. Wow Anna, you take swimming for a whole year and this is all the strength you get? Aish..
When Anna finally gets the goggles on the zombie, it squeezes tightly around it's head. The zombie, formally known as Peyton, chases after Anna as she goes back in the circle. Peyton's eyes start to pop out, press against the plastic of the goggle, and finally fill the goggles with blood. Peyton falls down, dead. Anna fist bumps and giggles. "It worked!"
Reese stabs a zombie to the wall as they make it to the end of the hall- about an hour of killing later. "That was the last one. Meg of all people." She snickers as an evil look forms in her eye. "And now that she's dead.." Reese starts to walk up to her but gets stopped by Hanna.
"Come on, we have to get through more hallways to the cafeteria." Hanna drags Reese away from the struggling zombie by her shoulder.
"Let me go! The bitch deserves it! And it's not like she can feel pain, none of them do! If anything I would've given her the most slow and painful way to die possible when she was still alive!" Reese shoves Hanna's hand off of her shoulder and snatches the knife from the zombie's hand that is pinned to the wall. Nathan grabs Reese's wrist and shoves her to the end of the hall with the help of Anna.
"Come on, we have a lot of walking to do.."
Back with Ilsa and Juliette, Sasha leaps through the window. "That's my friend, his name is Kian! So, Uhm, do you guys have any food?" She asks, mouth watering. The guy- now known as Kian- hops through the opened window and closes the screen. Ilsa and Juliette stare in confusion. I bet they're thinking, how the fuck is this girl so chill? Hehe, I still wonder the same thing..
  "What happened in here?" Owen asks while peeking through the door, Henry behind him. Sasha starts squealing and hops up to them, pulling at their cheeks. "Aww you two are so cutteee!~"
Henry slaps her hand off his face. "Ew, stop, I'm not cute I'm ferocious." He hisses. Owen just grabs her hand and pulls it away from his face. "Don't do that please.. It's just creepy.."
   Sasha pouts and turns back to the bewildered sisters while grinning. "Anyways! Still up with that food question..?" She trails off at the end of her sentence, turning to look through the kitchen doors. Kian shrugs and follows Sasha. Ilsa and Juliette look at each other in question before speaking.
  "Why are you here? Who said we'd allow you here anyways?" Ilsa says, chasing after them and leaving Juliette behind. Sasha stares at her. "What do you think? One) There's food here, two) I just did, is there anyone else in this group?" She asks, rummaging through their food.
  Ilsa glares at her. "What the fuck are you doing?!" She shouts. Sasha continues to rummage about the food, getting up and turning around. "You have some pretty good food still-" Ilsa cut her off by slapping her. Hard across the face. Nice job little Ilsa!
  Sasha's head whips to the left as she holds her cheek. "Look, I get you're usually the one in charge that everyone likes, but I don't like you. So quit fucking around with our stuff when you're not invited and go back in the cafeteria room." She says sternly, pointing to the door.
  Sasha glares and walks, all while holding her red and bruised cheek. Kian walks up to her and checks on the mark, glaring at Ilsa as she walks in behind Sasha.
  Ilsa glares right back at Kian and stomps one foot in place, slightly in front of Juliette. She gives an intense and angry stare and starts talking.
  "Do you have our other group members? If you do where the hell are they? They've been gone for more than two hours and we're worrying.."
  The duo says nothing so Ilsa continues.
  "Look you two... I don't trust either of you. And I don't like you either. So if any of you dares to threaten this group, we will make you fight for survival.."

School nurse
Tiny tot goggle zombies

How is the little Vernon mini story? Do you like it? He'll become a main bad guy if that wasn't clear enough.. Anyways, cya!)

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