Chapter 11.5

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  I keep running through the forest. My arm aches, my lungs burn, and my legs were all cut up from the bushes and piles of fallen branches. Those psychopaths tied my arms back, so I couldn't really brace my arm.. And I couldn't stop running incase they were following me. It's barely a week into this hell of a new world and there's people like this?? It's insane.
   I turn my head as I pass a shed. It's filled with yelling and screaming and it's completely surrounded by zombies banging on the old wooden structure. Weird. My lungs are starting to burn even more and black starts to dot my vision. Tripping on a metal piece of some broken bike, I collapse and pass out.
  When I woke up, there was a bright light in my face and my hands were untied. I hummed slightly while sitting up and holding onto my (surely) broken arm. Stupid girls.. Wait, it was clothed. Where's the cloth from? Snapping my head up from my arm, I stare at some guy as he begins to talk. "Finally awake now, Huh? You were laying in the sun for at least an hour before we found you, you're probably suffering some symptoms of heat stroke."
  I looked at my arm again then looked back up at the guy. "Ah," the guy said, beginning to walk to a shelf full of medicines. "Yeah, your arm was broken too. We wrapped it all up for you. Same with your leg, it was all scratched up. How long were you running?" The guy turned around with some medicine in his hand. We stared at eachother before he shook his head.
  "No no, where are my manners.. My name is Vernon. And yours is..?" He trailed off his sentence in hopes I answer his question. I panic a little, but look around for anything to write with and on. 'My name is Kian, I'm mute.' I write down, then hand it to him. He nods his head. "Ah, I see. How old are you? And have you killed anyone yet??"
  I take the note pad and write again. 'I'm 16, I killed a few kids back at some school. How old are you, Vernon?' He chuckles at me. "Good, good.. I'm 17, turning 18 sooner or later. What school? What happened to your arm?" I roll my eyes and turn back to the note pad. 'Paris. I don't know if you know which one it is or not. Some psychos attacked me and broke it.'
  "I see.. So there were more people? Is that what caused that explosion? We weren't too far away from that, y'know." He says, handing me a cup of water and painkillers. 'Yeah there were these dumb girls and these weird ass guys. One of them killed my friend. Where are we by the way??' Vernon smiled and sat up, opening the door. Blinding light shined in through it as people pass by.
  "You, my friend, are in Illinois in my group's camp, Wolfpine." Vernon grins one last time at me before holding out his hand. "Where we're thankful for everything because soon there'll be nothing."

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