Chapter 1

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I clamped a hand over my gushing wounds. My neck had been scratched deeply while running in gym. Hurrying to the locker room I slam the door shut and stumble to my locker. I tripped a bit and my back hit hard against the locks. Wincing I slide down the cold lockers while putting pressure on the wound to try and stop the heavy bleeding.
I'm a little light headed..
My vision is turning black..?
Everything is numb...
Am I dying..?

3rd person point of view

Anna sharp sense of hearing caught a shriek. She snaps her head up to look around the classroom.
Today was Friday, October thirtieth, the day before Halloween. Because her classroom was a privileged one and her teacher was pretty cool, they were allowed to dress up and have a small party. AAAFTTERRR taking their math quiz..
Anna glanced at Hanna, who sat diagonal to her. Reese sat at the far left, back row. Ilsa and Juliette sat next to each other in the front, being sisters and all..
Hanna nodded at Anna. Glancing at Reese from across the room, who was currently reading a manga, Survey Corps cape wrapped around her and legs on her desk. Ilsa had the greeattt idea of dressing up as attack on Titan characters. Reese was(very appropriately) Levi, Hanna was Jean, Ilsa was(also very appropriately) Sasha, Juliette was Erwin, and Anna was Ymir.
Juliette glanced up as she heard small groans from the hallway. Not the usual sexual groans that the annoying other teens would create, but a dead like groan. The whole class ignored it and continued on with their class. After all the candy was passed around and there was small chats, it was time for recess.
Anna and Reese were walking into the girls locker room for their gym uniforms, mostly because both did track and cross country. Reese was carrying her art supplies with her as well because of her master piece drawing. Shading, realism, everything.. And she was getting ready to colour and start to cut some edges. Anyways, the two opened the locker room doors open, revealing the eerily empty halls.
Anna shivered slightly, the setting creeping her out. "Anyways, I need to soften the edges of the paper now and I'm close to done.." Reese murmured while opening her art box and getting her clean and shiny scissors. She had a slight cleaning problem sometimes.. Anna opened the girls locker room door and walked in, getting to her locker and focusing on putting in the combo.
Reese had gotten her scissors out finally and started trimming the paper's edge, next to Anna on the bench. Anna shivered at Reese. "Y'know, you scare me with those scissors sometimes.. I feel like you're ready to kill someone with how sharp you keep them."
Reese gave a side glance before returning to softening the papers edge. "I should scare you."
Anna rolled her eyes and smiled. "Yeah, sure." The duo changed into their uniforms before hearing a groan. Reese left to the bathroom, leaving Anna alone near the lockers.
She heard another groan, this time getting closer.
"Whoever's doing that stop it."
Another growl.
"This isn't funny anymore..!"
There's growling again, this time in her ear. Anna yelps and jumps back, seeing her classmate Maia with a dead look in her eye and torn bloodstained flesh on her neck. Anna nearly pukes seeing the tissue on the inside of the girl's neck.
  The zombified girl shoves Anna into the lockers as she bites to try and reach Anna's flesh. She held the other girl away from biting her by pushing her forehead but the girl was surprisingly strong. Anna panicked as the zombified girl got closer to tearing her flesh piece by piece.
  She squeezed her eyes and waited for the pain. However, she opened her eyes again just in time to see Reese tackle the zombified girl into the brick wall and stab the girl's temple with her scissors, blood splattering everywhere. She backs away and the corpse falls to the ground, dead. Anna starts to hyperventilate as Reese wipes the bloody scissors on her, now blood covered, gym uniform.
Reese turned to her art work, yelling when she saw it was splattered with blood. "ARE YOU SERIOUS?!" She spun around and stomped on the dead girl's head, Anna gagging at the sickening crack of the bone and cement hitting together. Anna couldn't stomach it when she saw bits and pieces of smashed organ hush out of the wounds, she ran to the bathroom and puked.
Reese stopped smashing the girl's head in and walked over, patting Anna's back as she puked over the toilets. Once Anna stopped, she looked at their blood-stained uniforms. "How are we supposed to explain this to teachers and students?"
The other girl smirks. "Killer period?" Reese laughs at her pun, Anna turning back to the toilet to throw up. "You suck.." She sputtered out in between barfing. Reese laughs harder, then starts to calm down and she thinks.
"That stupid ass girl made everything dirty.."
"Actually," Anna turned around and stood up, wiping her mouth. "It was you who made everything dirty with the girls brains.." She sighs in frustration. "Was.. Was that a zombie?"
Reese shrugs. "I suppose so. Even if it wasn't I'd still eventually kill that girl."
Anna looked at Reese in realization. "You do know that if that isn't a zombie you just committed murder?!" She yelled. Reese rolled her eyes. "So? She had it coming. Besides, this is happening across the world, do you not watch the news?" She asks.
"No, my parents tell me what happens on the news.." Anna said.. Trying to scrape off the blood from her uniform.
"Well there's your answer. I watch it with my brother." Reese said, grabbing her survey corps cape. "Hey, it adds to realism." Laughing, she raised it for Anna to see the blood on the back.
Anna giggles while holding her own. "Looks like you killed more than me.." Hers was lightly covered in blood, a chunk of mushed brains on it. Swallowing the vomit in her mouth, she flicked it off.
"Are our clothes still clean..?" She asked. Reese shrugged. "No clue. Where'd you put yours?" She asks, going to her locker in front of the dead body.
"I hope their ok, we could get in serious trouble." Anna said while grabbing her clothes. Minus a little blood and the cuff of her pants, her clothes were completely clean.
Reese growled as the next bell rang. "I hope you were worth saving, you wasted our recess. I could've been training for our next track competition.."
Anna laughed and changed quickly, opening the locker room doors and walking out. They both gasped at the sight of the halls..
The whole hall was infested with all their schoolmates and teachers with the same dead look as the girl in the locker room. They gagged at the smell and the people eating other people.
Reese took out her scissor. "I've been prepared for this moment.. Zombie movies and TV shows are great. I guess it's time to fight for survival, Anna."


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