Wanna Talk?

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LeafyIsHere's/Calvin's Point of View

(Y/N) and I were walking together to school. But one thing was in the way, silence. Damn you, silence!

"So..." I started awkwardly, nervousness taking over my damned mind. Plus, why the hell am I nervous? I'm a little confused here, dudes.

"Uh... I like your new video though. I-It was really funny." She complimented me. Well, not really me but my video but still, dudes, me.

"Thanks. So, I've been thinking about this and maybe, just maybe we could hang out some more? I-I don't mean it THAT way but..." I trailed off, not really sure how to finish it. Oh my God, fucking kill me.

"Oh! Really!?" She suddenly exclaims excitedly, but then she did a faked cough and continued, "Y-Yeah. Sure, that would be cool. Maybe we can play CSGO."

"Dude. You know about that?" I questioned her, genuinely interested. She smiled and had a blush on her face while she nodded at me.

"Yeah. Ever since I found out your channel, I've been really interested on what games do you play. Hey, I'm part–kind of–gamer. I get KNOWLEDGE and stuff. I don't really know the controls." She chuckled, embarrassed. Wow, never thought that she had a gamer self.

"That's really awesome, dude! Oh hey, we're here." I stated, a bit disappointed. I really want to talk about her more, TIME!

"A-Ah... We should like not be close together for the whole day because your massive pile of female dogs might attack me." I laughed at her remark. True, true.

"Alright then, snooze ya later!" I gave her a mock salute before turning around and proceeding to the building.

Wait... Holy shit, dudes. I just talked to my first ever crush on the history of mankind! Oh my God, life goals. Life goals here everybody.

My fantasy was cut off by massive screaming of girls heading towards me. I sighed, irritated. Here we go again.

Your Point of View

Okay... One, I didn't feel butterflies on my stomach anymore when I talked to Calvin and second, I think I might be over him now. But not on the fact that I still like his YouTube content.

And lastly, I think I like Lui now. Oh shit, better not be fangirling or I'll never forgive myself.

My thoughts were cut off by squealing of pig-- Fangirls. Damn, how do they even do that, like seriously. I cringed as I thought of my past fangirl actions.

I glanced over to the crowd to see Calvin struggling to get out of the female population surrounding him. I snickered seeing his face in a horrid look as he hook off any girl who latches on his arm.

"Oi. Whatcha laughing at." A familiar red head's voice called out from behind as he hugs me in one arm. I flinched in surprise, not really expecting him to do that. My face immediately flushed red as I attempt to shake off his arm.

"Get away from me, man. You're weird." I said, my voice wavering a bit due to the fact my crush is hugging me.

"Whaaa? Come on, dude. I know you like it, don't freaking deny it." He chuckled as he removed his arm from my shoulder. Aw... Don't do that-- Nope. No more fangirling anymore.

"Come on, redhead. I need to get some stuff from my locker." I rolled my eyes at him, smiling a bit because of his childish behavior.

He just laughed some more, that made my heart skipped a beat. We walked further away from Calvin and his fan base as we laughed and teased each other.

Third Person's Point of View

Neither does the two know, Calvin was watching every single scene, looking at you two with jealousy.

Just Your Fangirl (LeafyIsHere x Reader) {<EDITING>}Where stories live. Discover now