Really, Dude?

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Your Point of View

Tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock---

Damn it, clock! Why u no go faster and shit!?

I groaned in my seat, rubbing my temples as I listened to the teacher ramble on and on about something that I don't even know.

Yes, yes. I know we're in college, I know that we need education for our future jobs, I know that I'm rambling also here like a desperate girl that just wanted to go home and play music the whole day, but this... This was just abomination in my opinion. Seriously, my major is Architecture (Just go with it.), so I don't need to study sciency and biological crap. Wow... I'm harsh today, I wonder why.

I glanced occasionally at the instructor so he won't suspect that I'm not listening, scribbling down important details on what he said.

Wait... I'm forgetting something here... No, not my notes but... Oh yeah! Calvin is my classmate in most of my schedule. Man, I completely forgot about that.


I flinched at the sound of the bell ringing. Lunch time. Sighing, I waited for every person to leave the classroom, snickering at the teacher who was struggling to tell them the latest homework.

"Leafy~! Over here!!!" I heard a fangirl scream, oh-so desperately wanting to get his attention. I cringed at the tone she used.

Was I like that to him? No wonder he doesn't like me THAT way. Just look at it! Ugh... I am disgusted at myself now.

I sighed heavily, standing up from my seat as I began to walk outside. I was looking down on the floor, thinking of how I've changed in such a short time.

I could hear footsteps fast approaching me. Glancing back, I noticed Lui running towards me, his eyes practically looked like he was some kid that was about to get ice cream.

"Oooiii!!! (Y/N)!!!" He shouted, getting a lot of attention from the people in the hallway. I just froze in place, not knowing what to do. He suddenly ran past me, grabbing my arm in the process and dragging me along with him. I yelped in surprise and letting him drag me to who knows where.

I finally got my conscious back and yelled to him, annoyed, "Hey! What do you think your doing!? And, where are we going!?"

"I grabbed your arm while running, duh!" He panted slight before continuing, "And I wanna show you to my dance crew!"

"Dance crew!? You have a dance crew!?" I said in between pants. I was really shocked about this. He, HE has a DANCE CREW!?

I know I'm a little exaggerating a bit- Okay, a lot and I just met him yesterday and some shit. But really! This guy has a dance crew!? I didn't even know that this school had even a dance crew! And I've been here for, like, three years!

"Yeah, their really interested to meet you and wanted to talk to you in person." With that, we can into a stop right in front of gym doors. I bent over and put my hands on my knees, breathing really heavily. Wow... I'm really out of shape, and I haven't run like that in a while.

"You, okay?" Lui asked me, worry laced on his voice.

"Yeah... I'm just... Catching... My breath..." I stuttered out, waving a hand to him to know I'm alright. But it didn't work since he suddenly grabbed one of my arms and put it around his neck.

I just sighed and let him be. I didn't really mind that he was helping me since he dragged me from my class to this gymnasium, plus, my knees are about to give out if I don't have support.

He pushed on of the doors and proceeded to help me get seated in one of the benches. I noticed that a few people were in here as we passed by, all have different colored hair.

They weren't all male though, there was one girl with pink tips.

"Seat down for a second and let me get you a drink." With that he ran off to who knows which direction.

I took light breaths only, not really that tired anymore but still thirsty after all that running. I see a shadow walking over my slouched figure.

"Don't slouch when catching your breath." A male's voice called out as his hand was placed at my lower back and his other near my collarbone. He pushed both hands to make me have my back straight. I can finally see what he looked like.

Dark raven hair, obsidian eyes and a sharp chin. Damn it, this guy's girlfriend must be very lucky. And I thought that Alex was the hottest guy I know.

"Itachi. Itachi Uchiha. Japanese." He held out a hand to me. That explains how his eyes were slightly pointed.

I finally regained my breath as I took my hand in his and replied, "(Y/N) (L/N). Pleasure to meet you."

He let his hand drop to his side as he nodded to me and just walked off. Now he is a man with a few words, and kinda a little emo-ish? Not that I really mind.

"Sorry about the hold up. Some guy was having trouble about picking his drink from the vending machine." Lui said as he handed the drink to me, scratching the back of his head in the mean time.

I glanced at the drink and grinned to myself at what I am thinking. I suddenly faked gagged when I saw it's name.

"Oh naw... Not Poccari Sweat! You know I can't drink man's water salt!" I jokingly whined as I smirked.

He rolled his eyes at me as he also smirked back, "Drink it, (Y/N)! It's your destiny or I'll just drink it myself." He deadpanned as he said the last phrase.

I chuckled as I began to drink a little of the bottle's contents. Damn this drink is awesome. Except the name.

Somebody faked a cough at the background that caught both of our attention. Lui suddenly laughed nervously as glanced back and forth.

I looked over to see who was there. Alright so here's what I saw; a dude with blue hair, a girl with black hair and pink tips, a guy with blonde hair and the dude who I just met.

Pfft. They remind me of a rainbow.

LeafyIsHere's/Calvin's Point of View

Alright. So (Y/N)'s 'friend' pops in and drags her away. And me, getting stuck by massive fangirls and got saved by my best friend. And I was just gaping of the running duo like I'm sort of a fish! And I was about to invite her to lunch...

I grabbed my pal's wrist as I began to drag him to the same direction as them.

"Hey! Where are we going, man!?" He asked, clearly irritated. But I don't give a shit.

"We are following them." I muttered for him to only hear, which he caught as I saw him smirk at me. He can be really annoying sometimes.

"Ooooh! Somebody is jelly!" He suddenly said to me. Good god, people already gone to the cafeteria.

I glared at him slightly as I dropped his wrist in irritation. I just have to follow them... Cause... Who knows what he'll do to her! Yeah... Yeah, that what I want to know.

Plus, that douche is ruining my plan.

Just Your Fangirl (LeafyIsHere x Reader) {<EDITING>}Where stories live. Discover now