Short Cuts

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Your Point of View

Oh shit! I forgot about Calvin!!!

I ran to the classroom that is our last class of the day. I guessed that he would be waiting there instead of walking around where his fangirls would probably hunting him down.

Wait... Why am I even running!? Aren't I supposed to be tired and probably dead from earlier? Not the time for stupid thoughts me!

I shook my head as I got closer and closer to my destination. I gripped on one of the door frames as I made a sharp turn. I put my hands on my knees and sighed.

"Woah, you okay, dude? Seems like you were running from my fangirls or something." He said as he helped me sit down of one of the chairs.

How many distances I ran today?!

"I'm... Fine... And... I'm just... Out of... Breath!" I wheezed out in between breaths. I sat up straight and began to inhale some air.

I saw him looking at me worriedly. His eyebrows creased, mouth slightly curved downwards and his eyes looking at me with concern.

I can tell he didn't believe me because of my current state right now. Ugh... Don't make that look, Calvin. You look fucking kawaii.

I regained my normal form as I stood up, quite fast. He raised an eyebrow at me before grinning lopsidedly.

"Come on. Let's go, I'm tired and I felt like a pig in mud." I said, exaggerating a bit while gesturing myself with both hands. He chuckled and shook his head at me.

He got up and started to walk. I followed but stopped by my thoughts.

"Hey..." I started, slowly while I looked down at the floor.

"What's up?" He questioned me, cub fusion can be traced on his voice. I looked up at him seriously before speaking.

"Uh... Fangirls?" It came out like a stutter. He face palmed at me before rolling his eyes.

I looked at him in the most innocent face I could muster. He groaned and slumped down a little.

"Fine, fine. We got to separate ways but meet up at that pizza place, okay? That way they won't roast us." He suggested, making hand gestures. I nodded in agreement.

It seems like a good plan, but I gotta avoid him in the most complex way ever.

"Okie dokie! So I'm gonna go like to the nearest vending machine to buy something then I would head straight outside the building." With that I left, not even bothering to wait for him to say something.

I hummed as I walk. I spotted a vending machine just outside the cafeteria. I head towards it and bought a Poccari Sweat. I opened the bottle and drank of its contents.

I closed the bottle and began to head towards outside. I see no Calvin so I looked around for any sign of him.

"Psst." A faint noise was heard near the trees that are beside the school. I looked to the direction and raised an eyebrow.

"Calvin! That chu?" I whispered moving closer. I see him peeking from behind of one tree. He looked like he's done this before so I didn't ask.

"Yeah. Come on, let's go this path. Everybody is afraid to walk in the woods. Don't worry I take this road every time." He explained while grabbing wrist gently and led me the way.

I glanced around the mini forest. It was your average looking forest so it was nothing special. Just typical trees, flowers and some animals.

"It leads to the street we live in, just outside of it in fact." He stated, pointing at the exit.

"So, this is like a short cut? Cool." I nodded, impressed. He smirked at me and then faced ahead once again.

"You're still going to your house for stuff, right?" He asked as we were already nearing my house. I nodded while humming.

I jogged ahead so I can go quicker. The faster, less time will be wasted. I unlocked the door and went inside. Same old, same old.

I gestured my hand to Calvin, telling him to go quicker as I went inside. I dumped my dirty clothes in the casket as I grabbed new ones from the closet, both sleep wear and clothes for tomorrow.

I shivered as my mind came across to something. Am I not aloud to just grab clothes, right? I shook my head and continued.

I jogged back to the living room, where I saw Calvin looking at his phone in interest.

"Oi. Let's go." I called out, he jumped and looked at me puzzled before going back to normal.

"Don't... Do that." I giggled at him as I walked to the front door.

Second day at Calvin's house. Sound like a good show if it was one.


Ugh... This menstruation is killing me! Make it go faster damn it! Wait... Lmao, what if that is actually a thing?

No, no. How about when napkins weren't invented? You would sit three days in your toilet, waiting for it to finish. Pfft... I'm getting side tracked.

Never mind, bye!

Just Your Fangirl (LeafyIsHere x Reader) {<EDITING>}Where stories live. Discover now