Awkward Tension

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Your Point of View

Wednesday rolled around, there was no practice from the crew and I'm stuck in class the whole day with Garry and Calvin. Now that I think about it, I wonder what's the crew's name though. I guess I have to ask about Garry about that.

"(Y/N)! Wake up~! Breakfast is ready~!" My mom practically sung when she announced it. And me, who is just watching Leafy's two million sub video, practically jumped out of my skin.

Dayum. How can she have high pitched voice in early of the morning? It's practically 6:23! I shook my head, dismissing my thoughts as I walk to the kitchen.

"Morning, mom, dad." I said as I yawned. I saw my father reading the daily news as he glanced up at me and smiled in greeting but said nothing. He is a man with a few words.

"Here you go!" My mom placed down a plate containing my favorite meal. I sat down and began to devour it. Once I finished, I jugged down my glass of orange juice.

I stood up suddenly and pointed at my father, "What's my record!?" Weird, right? I do a record of how fast I eat in the morning. This is every Wednesday.

He looked at his timer which is hidden behind his news paper and said, "42 seconds. Five seconds behind your personal record."

I groaned in disappointment before walking off to my room to get my bag. I could still hear them though.

"So, you didn't tell her I got promoted?"

"Hehe~ sorry, hun." I stopped halfway as I smile at myself idiotically.

I know it's just a promotion but I'm really happy for my father. Yes, I'm THAT caring. Level over nine thousand.

I continued walking 'till I reached my bedroom door. I practically skipped towards my bag. I began to pack all my things I needed, note books and such.

I reached out for my earphones and MP3 player. Putting on my ears and pressed shuffle play. My songs were mostly dubsteps and traps. I hate songs that have too much lyrics though.

Running out to the door, I yelled goodbyes for my parents. I was already outside, hopefully I don't bump into someone. I mean someone, I mean Calvin. Let's be honest, it'll be awkward as fuck.

I glanced around for any sign of him. None. I sighed in both disappointment and relief. But I'm happy that I'm not going to be 'conversed' with.

LeafyIsHere's/Calvin's Point of View

Dudes, I don't know what the fuck am I doing but I'm hiding behind a tree while looking at her. Is this shit what I'm doing called 'Stalking'!?

It's pretty fucking ironic actually. I'm freaking stalking my ex-fangirl.

I saw her walk past the tree I'm hiding. He couldn't hear anything because she was wearing earphones. Then I have this stupid idea.

I walked behind her, quietly, before putting my hands on her shoulders, "Boo."

She jumped slightly but kept her place, she turned to me with a horrified expression. She just sighed as she began to pull out both of her earphones out and smiled awkwardly at me.

"H-Hey, Calvin." She stuttered out, her voice wavering a bit. She looks hesitant because she keeps looking in different directions, trying to avoid looking at me.

Yeah, I can't blame her. I made her bawl out in the middle of the hallway.

"Hey, what's up?" I slowly said, making sure I check my words.

"Uh... The sky?" She unexpectedly answered while pointing up, smirking slightly as she did so.

I chuckled at her, as we began to walk together to school.

Just Your Fangirl (LeafyIsHere x Reader) {<EDITING>}Where stories live. Discover now