New To The Crew

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LeafyIsHere's/Calvin's Point of View

I fucked up, dudes.

After she had ran off, I began to think on what she said. She's confused, isn't she? Sigh... I guess I can let her have some space from me...

I looked down on the floor as I walk through to now a busy hallway. Glancing each side as I did so, in attempt to at least see her in one of the crowd.

None. Where did she go though?

As questions were jumbled up in my mind were caught off due to the familiar squealing of women. I groaned in irritation as I rubbed my temples.

But never once I was surrounded by my usual fangirls. That's weird. I shrugged off my thoughts as I walk casually to my first class. With (Y/N)! I still have a chance!

My face immediately brightened up as I glanced around the room. No sign... FUCK! If I wasn't being an idiot, she could be mine already!

I huffed angrily and just stomped off to my seat. I sat down and rested my head in between my arms on the table. Shuffling was heard from behind and beside me.

"Duuuuuude, are you, like, alright?" My good friend questioned me. I just groaned in response.

"Come on, Calvin. You look like a female on period." My best friend snickered at his own joke which was pretty low.

"Caaaaalviiiiin~!" A familiar bitch fucking dogs voice rang out in the whole classroom.

Oh great! Just fucking tastic! Whitney Wisconsin is here to burned my ears with her 'Undying Love'. Could my life be more worse!? Wait, it is because she is in my class every subject in the morning. Please kill me.

Third Person's Point of View

As the dog sex lover fawn over the famous YouTuber who feel like he was about to slit everybody's throats, his two friends just talked quietly about something related to you and Calvin.

"What should we do?"

"I think we should spy on (L/N) for a bit for information then tell our friends about the whole plan."

"Wait... Hold on the second, you mean that fangirl that usually takes pictures of him when he's surrounded by his fans!?" He whispered shouted to his friend, eyebrows raised.

"Ex-fangirl actually. She somehow moved on, I think? And yeah, Calvin likes her. He didn't want me to tell you guys but I can't just sit there and try to watch the man suffer from marrying that- that dog fucker."

"Hm... True, true. Alright. I will tell the gang and warn them to not tell other people that aren't related to the situation, okay?"

"'Operation: Get Calvin A Girlfriend' is on the go." With that they fist bumped.

Your Point of View

After I bawled my eyes out and Garry's shirt was drenched by me, I immediately apologized like I was about to get cancer.

"I'm sorry!" I exclaimed, really freaking apologically, as I bowed for like the millionth time.

"I said it's fine. And if you ever need a shoulder, mine is ready." Garry winked at me while patting one of his shoulders.

I blushed in embarrassment, straightening up and begin to fumble my fingers. I just realized, I'm late!!!

I started to panic as I was about to run to my homeroom, but stopped by Garry grabbing my shirt from the back. I looked at him like he committed crime.

"Let's go together, we need to ask permission first before going for practice, which is in fact, this morning." He smirked at my reaction, which is formed of an 'o' shaped mouth.

"Okay!" I said excitedly. But frowned on what I just remembered, "But... My major is in the morning..."

"You can take the class after lunch with other students that would skip the class. Like me for example, I am in your class in the same year and you don't even know." He pointed out like a know-it-all.

Wait... He's in my class?

I just stated at his face before blushing, embarrassed, and sticking out my tongue at him in a childish manner. He laughed it off as he put an arm around me as we walked to my- Our homeroom.

Class already started so it's easier to make a club excuse for it.

"Don't you need a excuse slip for club activities?" I asked, worried and curious at the same time.

"Yep. Two of 'em. One for you, one for me." He pulled out two blue paper slips from his pocket. I sighed in relief. Yes! I am about to be officially part of the crew!!

We halted to a stop as we reached our not so far destination. He removed his arm off of me to avoid suspicion from other students then knocked on the door.

It opened and revealed a decent female teacher wearing a smile on her face. Not too clothe revealing, natural face, glasses and pretty friendly, I must say.

"Sorry for the interruption, Ms. But we have some club activities to be done today." Garry explained as he gave the teacher the two slips. I was behind him the whole time so I couldn't be seen from the teacher and the class.

"Two? Where's the other person?" She questioned, not too strict and confused at the same time.

"Ah, here she is." Garry suddenly pushed me in front of him. Even thought we're outside, I was still nervous about the whole class staring at the door.

I waved at her shyly, an awkward grin plastered on my expression. She nodded in approvement as she walked back to her podium and, I don't know, checking her attendance, maybe?

After that, I hid behind Garry then punching him on the back lightly. He just snickered as I did so.

"You may go now. Be careful." I heard the teacher said, her voice laced in slight concern.

"Thank you for your consideration." Garry formally replied as he and I began walk away.

"That wasn't that bad, was it?"

"Shut up..."

LeafyIsHere's/Calvin's Point of View

(Y/N) and club activities... Those two didn't seem to mix. I mean, she once joined a fan club about me but was kicked due to 'Spilling her drink on their leader'. Now that is high top quality bullcrap.

I mean, who kicks their members out of their fucking club just because of drink!? If that was a video, the president of the stupid club would be humiliated and be called 'A shame to the Reptilian Army'.

And hey... Who was that guy (Y/N) was with when they stood out the door!? How come that she had met two guys!? Or it is just... Her read haired friend is part of that club and that she joined because she wanted to and that guys she was with is part of it?

Man, I ramble a lot.

And in short, I'm going to get her back one way or the other.

Just Your Fangirl (LeafyIsHere x Reader) {<EDITING>}Where stories live. Discover now