Spending the Night

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Your Point of View

Calvin and I were walking down the street, the sun was setting down already, making it almost night time. I felt my phone buzzed again from my pocket.

I pulled it out and checked who the person texted me, hey! Mom texted me.

It said:

'Hey, sweetie~! How're you doing? We're just fine if your asking. Anywho! Your father and I are gonna be away for some trip to another city. It'll be a five day trip.

So, I expect you young lady to spend the night in a nearby friend's house. Hehe~! If it's that boy you fangirl over, tell me every detail when we come back, okie? Okie, bye~! Love you!

P.S. Don't go to clubs'

I could practically here my mom's cheerful voice through the message, being all giddy and cheerful like always. I groaned in displeasure. I can't just NOT obey my mother's command.

If I did, she could sense like as if it could be another sixth sense she could beat Spiderman's.

I looked over to Calvin, who was staring at me. He's probably confused and curious. I sighed and talked.

"My mom said they're on a business trip. She can't trust me all alone in the house." I slowly said, a blush growing on my cheeks as I rubbed my neck in embarrassment.

"She can't trust you, her daughter, in your own house." He snickered, putting a hand to his mouth to cover up his laughter.

My blush grew as I pouted at him, making sure I glared at him as I did so. I lightly punched him on the arm while he bursted out laughing.

I covered his mouth with my hand, preventing him from making noise any further. He just kept laughing even though his laughs were muffled. I rolled my eyes at him

"Oh, shut up. You're gonna get us in trouble with your laughing. Neighbors might call the cops that 'Two teenagers goofing around at night'." I removed my hand as he just giggled here and there.

To be honest, he looks funny right now.

"Hehe, sorry. I was just curious." He said normally, but he still snickered from time to time.

I rolled my eyes at him. His idiocity is taking over him. "Anyways... Can I crash on your house for five days?"

He looks hesitant but nonetheless nodded. "Sure. But I live alone."

"You live alone? How lucky." I raised an eyebrow at him, sarcasm dripping down my tone.

"Nah. Other than being screaming by yourself while recording. Pretty damn normal." He said as he shrugged, tinge of sarcasm can be heard though.

I laughed at him as I neared my house. I glanced at him back. "Hey, I'm gonna grab some clothes and what-not. I'll be back in a jiffy. In the mean time, make yourself at home."

I unlocked the door and let the two of us inside. He looks around for a bit before relaxing on the sofa in the living room. I nodded to myself before going to my room.

I unlocked it with my personal room key before going in. I grabbed some comfortable clothes/pajamas to sleep in. I went in my bathroom to grab my toothbrush.

I went back again and put my laptop in my school bag along with some headphones. My bag didn't have any much notebooks or books so it was easy. Plus, I needed my bag for tomorrow.

Tomorrow... The crew has practice tomorrow! I almost forgot... How retarded of me.

I once again rummage through my closet to bring out stretchable leggings, loose tank top that is not tight on the stomach, towels and an extra shirt. Good thing they all fit in the bag.

I think I'm good to go...?

I glanced at the supposed-to-be-gifts-for-Leafy-when-I-was-a-fangirl and thought to myself. It would hurt to give him one more, right?

I grabbed a figurine of his character that looked like Link and nodded to myself. It was hand made by me, I used to make figurines with my mom and aunt.

I slung my bag over I my shoulder as I walked back to the living room, but Calvin was not sitting on the couch, he was checking out some framed photos.

"Hey." I greeted as I raised my hand. I saw him flinch and turned to me, an awkward smile was being offered to me, which I returned with my own.

"Let's go?" He questioned as he slung his bag and looked at me expectantly. I nodded and begun to walk to my house's door. Calvin followed suit as we stepped out.

I didn't forget to lock the door twice before walking to Calvin's house. I wonder what's in there... Now I'm curious.

Just Your Fangirl (LeafyIsHere x Reader) {<EDITING>}Where stories live. Discover now