Heart Ache

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Your Point of View

Ugh... Another day in priso-- School. Yeah, school.

I yawned as I passed by through the quarter filled hallway. Mainly just teachers and some students chatting away here and there. But me, ooooh not me... I'm in a really bad state right now.

Okay, so I woke up feeling refreshed as ever, right? Then I took a bath and everything, when suddenly, my dad spit all over my shirt just because he read some topic on the news paper. Then I have to take bath again, dress into new clothes and a bad attitude to top it off.

Man, good thing my negative vibe didn't let forget to pack what I needed for the practice with my new dance crew today. Honestly, when I was in a good vibe, I totally forgot to pack.

Phew... That's a lot of explaining. Also, I came to school too early, it's still six o' clock flat when I arrived. So I left Calvin be, I didn't really wanna make the situation more awkward.

I was caught up with my sleepy and drowsy state, I didn't notice the rapid steps heading towards my direction.

I was grabbed on the shoulders as I was spun around to see a very fucking panicked Calvin look-a-like. Oh, it's just him.


"SHIT! YOU SCARED THE CRAP OUTTA ME!!" I exclaimed accidentally, totally freaked. He backed off, his panicked expression disappearing and is visibly seen was a cheeky, awkward grin.

"Heheh... Sorry, I just knocked on your house's door, your dad said that you've gone already so I ran like shit just to get to you." He ended as he laughed awkwardly.

I think his words got double meaning in it but paid no mind to it as my thoughts thought differently.

Why the hell did he ran over just to get to me? I don't get it. Plus, it made my heart skipped a beat. Oh shit, better get away, fast.

"Uh... Y-Yeah... Hey! We're on school grounds, hallway even. Better not stick close to you or your fangirls might chew me off." I backed away little by little as I said my sentences.

I saw him frown a bit then smirked suddenly that made me had a millisecond heart attack. Oh shit. I don't wanna be female dog food!

"Don't worry, dude. My fangirls don't come until seven so it's fine. So wanna walk to class together?" He smiled at me, acting like it didn't matter.

Then I realized, "Why are you so persistent to me? A million days, you didn't want to talk to me because I'm a fangirl. Then you changed one day..."

"Huh?" His eyes widened at me, clearly shocked. I wonder why... Oh poop, I said that out loud.

"I-I m-mean... I-I-I..." I trailed off not really knowing how to pick the words to my sentence.

"I'm s--" I didn't let him finish as I ran away from him. Tears from the corner of my eyes threatening to spill.

I bump into random persons as I flee, not realign looking back up to apologize. What do you expect from a broken and crying girl?

I bumped into a person once again. As I was about pass by the stranger, he or she grabbed my arm and held me close. Their hands were rough, so I assume it was a boy.

"Why're you crying, (Y/N)?" The person's voice rang and he rests his chin on my head. I glanced up to see gold locks and cyan eyes. Garry...

"I-I don't k-know." I stuttered out, clenching my fists into his shirt. Damn it... I'm starting to like Leafy again...


Yeah... Uhh... Sorry for some anime characters of Naruto being inserted in this story and... I don't own LeafyIsHere or the Naruto characters.

Just Your Fangirl (LeafyIsHere x Reader) {<EDITING>}Where stories live. Discover now