Track Field

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Your Point of View

I don't know why we got into this but... Somebody locked the rooftop from the inside. And by I mean 'we', I meant Calving and I being stuck here until dismissal.

Now we were just walking, talking and crap. Buuuut... When we neared the door leading to the rooftop, I felt chills running down my spine as if someone was following and planning something for us, I don't know if Calvin felt it too.

Back to the present,

I sighed, irritated, as Calvin keeps banging and shouting at the door, hoping that someone would hear him.

I looked at him hopeless, "Dude, nobody ever walks down this building at this time."

He stopped and just groaned as he walked back to wear I was sitting. I was sitting near some barb wire fences that prevent other students from commuting suicide on the roof.

There weren't and chairs so I just sat on the floor.

He plopped down next to me as he run his hand through his hair, which is really soft if you touch it in person. Well... He does look kinda cute for doing it...

Hey! I'm saying the truth! No fangirl traced on my thoughts.

"So..." I stated, unsure what to talk about. There is absolutely no topic that could relate us. Well, except for one but that would be awkward.

He just groaned, clearly not in the mood to talk. He bent his knees closer to him, crossed his arms on it and laid his head there.

I sighed, hurt. I began to zone off while looking downwards, I can see the track field. Some athletes were running there, or just a physical activity.

I began to search from the crowd that were sitting on a bench, trying to find someone at least in my crew.

I saw a familiar tall, blue haired guy being called to be the next relayer and four more random students.

Wait... Isn't that CJ?

I squinted my eyes to get my vision at least more clearer. He was on the starting line, getting into position, like most of his team and competitor were.

I glanced down the track field to see a couple gimmicks laid once every person. The same obstacle course though but different for each relayer.

Just as I finished checking out the field, a whistle that can be faintly heard here, signaling the starter to start running.

It was too fast but I saw CJ getting over the obstacle course effortlessly and flawlessly.

And that sight made me inspired.

LeafyIsHere's/Calvin's Point of View

Hm? What is she looking at?

I glanced at (Y/N), who was looking down at something, her face was in complete awe though. I wonder...

I looked at the direction she was looking at and saw she was looking at the track field. But her eyes were looking specifically at one guy. A blue haired one.

He was really well built, not too muscle-y, not too skiny. He has a really great jaw line too.

I immediately pouted, feeling myself out of shape. I grumbled some curse words before thinking.

What if... That guy is in their dance crew? If so... How many guys are there!? Oh wait, I remember why my friend said that there were only four guys and two girls, that includes (Y/N).

So if I already saw who all are three guys in the group, who's is the other girl and guy? I just bound to know, he or she could have connections or something.

I can feel (Y/N) shift beside me. I glanced at her to see her struggling to keep her eye lids open. I can't blame her, the weather out is nice, not too hot or cold.

"Just use my shoulder for a bit." I suggested as I pushed her head gently onto my shoulder.

Her head didn't resist so it was good. Almost immediately, she fell asleep after one second her head hit my shoulder. I sighed and put an arm around her to keep her steady.

With that position, I fell asleep myself.

Third Person's Point of View

"Dude! Did you see that!?" Pyro shouted as he pointed at you two from the window on the rooftop door. His face was in pure shock.

"Hell yeah... Calvin is making the moves! Better take a picture while it lasts." Jack said, happy for his mostly suicidal friend. Not really but still.

He struggled to get his phone out, Pyro just waited in expectation. Pyro tapped his foot, wondering what kept him long.

"I'll just use my phone." Pyrocynical sighed as he took out his phone.

He was about to snap the picture but a miraculous voice of a teacher shocked him that he took it in a blur. He mumbled some incoherent words.

The teacher showed up with a ruler, attempting to scare then off, which he most probably just took their souls out of their bodies. He was intimidating looking as well as buff.

"Why are you not in class yet?" The teacher said, strictly, as he made an angry looking expression.

"S-Sir, w-we were j--" Jack was cut off.

"Go now. Or I'll make sure you both clean the entire school." The teacher made a face that looks like Saitama's serious face.

The duo ran out, leaving the teacher to investigate. Little did they know, this was a teacher who manages the drama club. He chuckled at his antics as he looked out of the roof top door.

He saw you two sleeping, in a way that looked like a couple. A very cute couple.

He shook his head, a small smile in his features as he unlocked the door from the duo trying to lock you two in.

He then left thinking, 'Young love... Feels like my days too...'


I know, awesome teacher, right? Also sorry for Calvin being... You know... Not Calvin-y?

Just Your Fangirl (LeafyIsHere x Reader) {<EDITING>}Where stories live. Discover now