Tiring Morning

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Your Point of View

Garry and I are heading towards the gym as quietly as possible since classes already started. We talked about random topics, mostly we're talking about ourselves and experience here in out collage years.

"So, why did you fangirl over him?" He questioned me, silently as possible but still audible to hear.

"I... Don't know, actually... I just realized that until now." I shrugged it off like it was nothing, but inside I had a, once again, millisecond heart attack.

"It's good for you. I mean, I don't think its bad but..." He trailed off, his eyes looking distant and eyebrows furrowed. He seems to be confused about the whole fangirly thing.

"Yeah, I know. I'm kind of embarrassed about it, but I'm glad that I got over it. It won't get me anywhere." We halted at the familiar dark cyan doors.

I glanced at him, I saw him smirk. He breathe in and burst in the doors yelling, "WE'RE HERE!!!!"

I saw CJ sleeping on one of the benches, completely unaware that Garry had shouted really, really fucken loud. How does he do it?!

Itachi and Sakura, who were standing and practicing some moves, are now on the ground with her on top due to the loud and cringy voice Garry used. They slipped and fell, then they're in that position.

Last but not the least, Lui just walked into the room, using the other door on the left. I just giggled at the group as Itachi and Sakura was chasing Garry, CJ sleeping and Lui who was oblivious as hell.

One minute here as I already felt like I belong. Buuuut... Flexing my muscles would be painful as hell.

LeafyIsHere's/Calvin's Point of View

After all the morning classes were over, lunch time came and students were running out of the room. Like me, I'm running basically for my life here from living demo-- Fangirls.

"Leeeeaaaafy-daddy! Wait~!" My fangirls all weirdly and simultaneously said. They began to chase me until I lost them in turning a sharp turn.

I was immediately stopped, due to the fact I bumped into someone. Cliche. The person  didn't even fell, neither did I.

"Leafy~! Surprised to see you here!" A high pitched voice yelled in excitement. I inwardly cursed at my bad luck today.

"Ugh... What do you want now, dog fucker?" I asked, not really covering up my rudeness to the other person.

"Oh. Uhm... I was wondering if you could..." I know where this is going so I ran like a madman, heading towards the cafeteria.

I bursted through the door, which caused most people to look at me. I just dragged my feet to my usual table, where the gang is. But two of them are missing.

"Hey, lizard. Whatcha doing?" One of my male friends tried to imitate the voice of Isabella from P&F.

I just groaned, tired from running, as I rested my head on my arms that were plopped onto the table. I can here them talking, I decided to listen since I had nothing to do.

"Hey, where's Pyro and Jack?"

"They said they were going to the gym for something. They didn't tell though."

"Hey, hey. I heard there's a dance group there called 'One Hour Miracle'. Plus, a girl just joined them."

"There are only two girls now, yeah?"

"Mhm. And four guys. A rich Japanese kid is the leader. Something about his name being 'Muchiwa'? I don't know."

"Uchiha? Dude, they have over ten mansions." Uh... Not to cut up my listening guys but who the hell needs over ten fucking mansions?

"Mostly their distant relatives live some of them. But they kept each other intact always."

"Ugh... Talking about rich people makes me wanna puke all over."



Your Point of View

"Uh... Sakura..." I said as I arched my back forward. It wasn't really bent even.

"Yeah?" She replied as she pushed my back even more forward, which is really painful and hard to do since I'm not really that flexible.

"I... Think... I'm going... To... Collapse, if... I don't... Move soon!" I managed to say in between breaths. Plus, I was really tired because I've been doing stretches for the last four hours.

"Don't worry! Just a few seconds more and you're good to go! But no meat or any fatty stuff, or you'll gain weight because you excersized." She warned me, very strictly.

"Come on, Sakura. She needs to breathe." Itachi said to her, monotonously. But when you see close enough, you can tell he is very worried. Bless you, Itachi!

She let go as I laid on the ground on my back. I took deep breaths before standing up and taking a sip from my bottled water.

I sighed, contented, as I grabbed my bag which was filled with my clothes and headed towards the changing room for girls.

I heard the door opened then closed, I glanced up to see Sakura changing also. She smiled apologetically before speaking up.

"Sorry about earlier." She said, scratching the back of her head. I, on the other hand, jut nodded saying it was okay. I couldn't speak properly because of all the stretching.

"Soo... Do you like Lui?!" She asked, excitedly and quickly that I had to cough a few times because I choke on my air. If that was even possible.

"I... I'm not sure..." I stated, truly and utterly honest with my feelings. I was still confused on how to feel about him and Calvin.

Mixed feelings! I hate those.

Just Your Fangirl (LeafyIsHere x Reader) {<EDITING>}Where stories live. Discover now