Chapter 1

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If you read this... you have quite the heart cause I mean this book fucking sucks I don't want you to deal with the pain.

Yea go ahead I guess but I mean this was practically my first fanfic and yea ahah.

Stella's POV

I opened my eyes to see my ceiling fan going in slow circles above my head. I haven't slept well. Not after what just happened.

I fully open my cracked open door to my room and look down the hallway. I have lived here for only a week and I barely understand what's where.

I walk down the stairs quietly because

I know he's asleep.

My biggest nightmare now.

I walk into the kitchen to grab a water bottle from the fridge. I go into the den and turn on the electric fire. it's freezing out. I just stare into the fire knowing that if I get caught I'll be dead. He wouldn't kill me would he? He might.

I can't finish this water bottle. It's too much for my stomach to handle. I climb up the stairs looking left and right at the small night lights that lit up the stairs. making sure not to step on the stairs that crack. I made sure to memorize that.

I look so gently left and right making sure he's not checking on me.

The boy without the heart anymore.

What did I do?

Was it my fault?

So many questions ran through my mind.

I finally get to my door. I made sure just to leave it cracked at all times, just so that I don't have to worry about the door noises. I jump through my door swiftly while walking backwards, crack my door and turn around relived, I made it without-

"What are you doing?!" He yelled. I never should've left my room. He had his arms crossed. I can't breath. This could be the end of me.

"Just, getting a... water bottle." I say almost out of breath to say water bottle.

"You should've gotten one before bed!" He yelled. Why? Why does he hate me?!

"I'm, I'm sorry"

"Oh, are you afraid of getting yelled at?! Well you should if thought about it before you left your room that I'm still allowing you to have!"

"I will never do it again... I, swear."

"Call me by my name or else you are going back to where mum and dad sent you!"

"Yes... Niall"


Nialls' POV

Why do I have to be this mean? She is my sister. But, she doesn't realize how much harm she has given me. She made me leave the band. They never want to see me again. Only Harry. He still calls me. But when he's by himself. Which means he will call tonight around midnight. I don't get the other 4 though. They knew it was for family reasons. But, she could've lived with relatives, right? No. I've asked all of our aunts and uncles. They've all practically said they could give a care less about her. But if I didn't take her. She would be gone forever. Beaten to death by the girls at the orphanage. She still has scars and bruises from the orphanage. That I just got her out of a week ago.

It's 11:30 and I know Harry will call soon.


Soon enough.

I know Stella leaves her door cracked and so don't I go over to my door to shut it and I look over to her door.

It's wide open.

What is she doing?

I don't want to have her hear me go down the stairs, so I just will wait in her room. I hear the quietest of footsteps come up the stairs. I need to discipline this child to make sure she doesn't kill anyone again. Accident or not it was our fucking mother for christs sake! I got her out of her orphanage, and she's not going back.



Good?! No?! Leave a comment below! Haha that rhymed. ok so I will update when I get atleast 1 VOTE WOOP! thanks!

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