Chapter 7

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Stellas' POV


Why does he pratically tell me he hates me, then save me and look like the good guy?! Because I, the victim knows how rude he has been to me and hopefully authority will realize that.

(2 hours later)

Nialls' POV

She hasn't said a word sense we have been home. She does this when shes mad, dad said. Authority told me I needed to tell her that her life has been a lie. And that her father just never wanted her. But, how are you supposed to say that to such a sensitive girl? 

Just hopefully authority doesn't take her back to foster housing. I know I did it too. I made her attempt suicide.

* * * *

Stellas' POV

"Stella please can we talk?!" For the hundredth time Niall. NO. But, ignorance is better for me. So I locked myself in the downstairs bathroom. Its been almost 2 hours says the bathroom clock, and hes still trying to talk to me. What is so important? I guess I will never know.

"Ok, well Stella I need sleep. See you tomorrow morning for the authority meeting. Remeber its 10:00 sharp. So meet me at the door by 9:30"


I slouch on the wall of the floor and wait until I hear footsteps going up the stairs. When I hear that I gently open the door. I go to the stairs and notice his door is fully open because the light from his window is cascading down the stairs. Thanks Niall for making me have to stay awake until your alseep. I decide to go into the kitchen and make a tea. Once I made it I sat on the comfy barstool chair infront of the island. I drink half my tea and rested my head on my arm which was in the island. Thoughts raced through my mind.

Should I blame Niall for making me attempt suicide?

Was it really his fault? I stand up and look around. And notice that I'm now in my old bedroom from my old burnt down house. I look at my bed. I see a girl who looks exactly like me from 3 years ago. I was 13. I cant remember this house because I was only 3 when it went down in flames. So I go through my door I look in a large hallway. There are two doors and one has steam coming from it. That's the bathroom and someone is showering. I look at the other door. Its cracked open and I hear beautiful guitar. And a beautiful singing voice. I open the door all the way to see a 17 year old niall playing his guitar. Singing the song torn. (the one like they played on the XFactor.) Why is this so familiar?

"Niall?" Behind me is me as a younger girl. How can she not notice a 16 year old girl inbetween her and Niall. How can Niall not see me? I side to the wall and watch Niall set down his guitar he looks at younger me and says, "Well I hope they accept me at the XFactor."

According to Niall and I's age difference he should already be in One Direction

Ok this is just getting weird.

"You'll do fine. I hope you win! You deserve it!" Younger me says.

"Oh stellie! Thanks! But its ok if I loose." Niall says. Wait... Stellie? Eh, not bad.

"Well I really hope you win!"

"Well I gotta go work on that school project with the kids in my class! See you in an hour or so!" Niall says and he goes up to hug younger me and he walks out the door and hummed the same torn song. 

Younger me just kind of smiled and looked at the ground. She carefully looked out the door and looked a little relieved after she looked toward the bathroom.

"Why live Stella? Why live? Niall. That's why Stella. Niall loves me? Right? Moms gone for years. I'm beaten by dad... Why live Stella? Why live? Niall probably doesn't love me. Hes just like dad. He will be more suscessful without me, Stella just die." Younger me says. Younger me starts crying and younger me walks down the stairs. I start following myself and younger me writes a letter. I read the first 2 words.

To Niall.

Then I follow myself to the knifes.



Younger me starts picking up a very sharp knife. I try, I really do try to grab that knife and my hand goes through. I'm literally yelling at myself to stop.


As younger me starts to bring the knife up I start yelling running and trying to get her. But some force stopped me. What?

"STELLA STOP!" Did I just say that?

"STELLA! STELLA LET GO!" What's happening?! younger me puts down the knife and she stares at me. But it looks like she isn't meaning to look at me.

"Stella! Stop what's a matter with you?" ok now this is getting creepy. Ive heard this voice before.

"Stella! Open your eyes!" Maybe that's what happens.

Open my eyes.

I was dreaming.

"STELLA THANK GOD YOUR OKAY!" Niall yells and hugs me. He just holds me in his arms and doesn't stop until I let go.

"Niall? Are you okay? What happened?" I say regreting ever sitting in that chair. I rub my head.

"No Stella, the question is are you okay? You must've been dreaming about something. But, lucky enough I was only half asleep and heard the crash of your tea cup, and came down to see you, with that." Niall said with a confused face, and pointed to the knife setting on the counter. Yea I would be confused too if he just started yelling and took a knife to his throat. Wait, so I must have been dreaming about what I should have done if my life was 3 years ago and I still lived with dad.


I'm scared of the thought of how badly he beat me.

Dad hated me didn't he?

"-Stella?" Nialls waving his hand in front of my face now.

"Sorry I, just, I dont know yet. I'm kind of wondering..."

"Would you like to talk about it?" Niall said already walking to the doorway to the living room.

I just walk behind him and he sits on the other half of the circular sofa.

"Its a good thing you wanna talk because I ne-"

"Did dad hate me?" I blurt out in the middle of Nialls sentance.

"He didn't hate you, he hated your mother. He hated you sense your were that baby mom got pregnant with when she left for two weeks, and had sex with another man." Wait... What?

Niall started again, "It didn't help much when you burnt down the house at 3 years old when you disobyed him and didn't stop playing with the stove and the pencils." That's why he left.

Not because of Niall or mom or himself.

Because of me.

That's why Niall always is mean to me.

I ruined dad.

But, mom gave birth to me.

I shouldn't even be alive.

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