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A/N: hey there! I've been submitting this story on tumblr, but I decided to submit it here too. Enjoy :)


Chapter 1

Hi! I just got an idea for a fic and I can't really sleep cause I can't stop thinking about it. This is chapter one, tell me if I should continue. The fic starts when they are in fifth grade.

Camila's POV

Ugh. School. I thought as i heard the most annoying sound, which was the alarm.It ALWAYS wakes me up from a good dream and it reminds me that I have to go to this hell hole called school. It's not that i don't like learning, because i do. I just find the school day so boring and eventless.ugh.I drag myself out of bed with lots of effort and quickly wash up and change into my school uniform. I don't spend much time on my hair, I usually just brush it and wear a headband with a bow. I quickly grab a muffin and gulp my orange juice because my dad was already in the car.

My dad drives me to St.Hugh catholic school (it's a private girls only school) early because his work is really far from where we live. So I'm usually one of the first people to arrive.
"Good mornining papa" I said as I sat in the passenger seat.
"Good morning my camila" he said as he gave me a kiss on my cheek.
He started the car and turned on the radio to his favorite morning news channel. I just sat there and ate my muffin in silent. The car rides are usually like this because my dad is not much of a talker, and neither am I.
We arrived at school at 6:30 (1 hr before the bell). There were only two other girls there.I usually just sit on one of the benches and read "the baby sitters club" until the bell. My best friend Sandra always gets here late, so I don't get to hang out with her before the morning bell. The bell went at 7:30, and everyone in mrs.watson's class lined up in our usual spot. We always line up and mrs.watson comes and leads us to class.

Let me tell you something about my class, it's full of stuck up rich kids. My class was put together for the "smarter" and "gifted" students and at 10 years old, if someone tells you that you're smarter than the other kids in school, you either become thankful or you slowly turn into a mini bitch. Alexa, Lucy, Vero, are what you call the queen bees (and bitches).They are really pretty and they always know the newest things about fashion.I try to stay away from them. I actually just stay away from everyone in my class , I prefer hanging out by myself. (Sandra is not in my class).
So as we were standing in line, I got ready to block out all of the conversations around me about the usual "sleep overs" and "tennis" and "drama club" and all those things that I don't really care about when suddenly I heard whispers. Now that wasn't normal cause I usually hear loud laughs and voices. I turn around and try to understand what everyone was talking about. "She's so ugly" I heard from my right, "OMG who's she?" I heard from my left. As I tried to understand what was going on, the whispers increased as I spotted a new girls standing at the back of the line. She was clutching her bag really close to her chest, she was looking at her shoes as she tried to play with her shoe laces. Hailey, our biggest bully, said loudly "why do we get an ugly new girl, I don't like her". Suddenly I felt so bad for this new girl. It's her first day of school and already she was bullied. She continued playing with her laces until Mrs. Watson came and started leading us to class. The new girl just walked slowly in the back and she never looked upwards.
I wanted to talk to her, but I couldn't really think of what to say. When we got to class, and everyone took their seat, mrs.watson made her stand in front of the class and talk about herself.
She stood there with her head still facing downwards while she played with her shoe laces, and cleared her throat.
"Ummm, I'm from Miami, but we moved to San Diego when I was 3. "
"What's your name?" Dinah asked.
She suddenly looked up and we all got a glance at her face for the first time. Everyone gasped when they saw her, and I couldn't breathe. She was so beautiful. Her face was white, with beautiful small pink lips, and her eyes. Oh her eyes were something else. They were such a beautiful of color of green. I have never seem such a beautiful person. She looked like she came from magazine cover or something. She even looked prettier then Vero, Lucy, and Alexa.
"Lauren. Lauren Jueregui " she said.
" ok Lauren, why don't you find a seat. There's an empty seat behind camila." Mrs.watson said as she pointed at me.
That's when Lauren looked my way. Her eyes searched for something in my face that I really didn't know what it was. So I gave her a big smile. I heard giggles coming from where Vero sat. Lauren ignored them and gave me a tiny smile as she sat behind me.

Who is this girl and why did she move here? I know one thing now though, this school day is far from boring.

A/N: I hope you guys enjoy it :)

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