Chapter 36

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A/N so sorry for the delay

Chapter 36

Camilla's POV

They say that Disneyland is the land of magic, and let me just say that that is a huge understatement. There's something about atmosphere that immediately makes you happy. Maybe it's all of those kids who are happy to finally meet their favorite Disney characters, or maybe it's all those parents who are happy that their kids are happy, or maybe it's all of those teenagers who are happy to enjoy all of the incredible rides out there. No matter what the reason is, Disneyland allows you to become a child for a day.

Lauren and I arrived stopped at a motel for the night before we hit the road again this morning. We arrived at Disneyland at around 10 am.

I can't really describe to you how happy I am and I can't really describe how happy Lauren is. Everything is just so perfect.

"So what kind of rides do you like? The scary ones or the cute ones?" Lauren asked as we were waiting in line

"Do you have to ask?" I replied with a snicker

"I knew it! Gosh I'm gonna make you ride every scary ride here" she replied with a mischievous smile

"Noo Lauren please no! I really hate the scary ride and seriously they're not even fun like really. Let's ride the cute princess rides and you know all of those fairy tale rides. And let's eat at mickeys cafe and meet all the Disney characters and watch all the parades"

"But that's extremely boring babes"

"Pleaaaase?" I pleaded.

"Fine. I'll make a deal with you. We will do all of those things, but you're still going on the Hollywood tower of terror and you're still riding the rollercoasters?"


"And I'm gonna be holding your hand and you can close your eyes" Lauren said before I could object

And I really couldn't say no to that. So I agreed as we made our way through the gates.


Lauren's POV

Disneyland is one of my favorite places on earth and there is so much that I wanted to show Camila. I could see the excitement in her face as we made our way to the little mermaid ride. She's seriously do adorable. I really wanted to grab her and kiss her right there, but I knew that Disneyland is not the place to show same sex public affection. I really didn't care what people thought, but I didn't want to get a snarky comment from someone that would ruin everything.

The lines for the rides are so long, but camila and I didn't mind waiting because it gave us time to talk. Camila had so much to tell me, and I was more than happy to listen. She would also sneakily "Accidently" touch my arm or press her back against my chest and that would just drive me crazy.

So when she decided to sneakily enter lace our fingers while she talked about Sophie, I couldn't but blurt out "I wanna kiss so you so badly right now"

Camila gave me a look but she smiled as her face turned red.
She then turned around and gave me her back.

But I wouldn't let it go so I came closer to her and whispered into her ear "I need to kiss you"

I could feel her tense up as my voice reached her ear.

She then whispered back "there is a way"

And that's when she moved away from me and left the line that we've spent 50 minutes waiting it.

"Camila wait what?"
I said out of confusion

She took me hand and said "just trust me" and started walking.
She led me to a deserted bathroom and pushed me into a stall. She then quickly locked the door and I didn't even give her time to recover before I placed my lips onto hers.

I think a thousand electric bulbs bolted inside of me and my breathe quickly deepened.
The kiss was really passionate and let me just say that it felt really good.

After a lot of teasing, I was finally able to kiss this beautiful girl. I think we kissed for about 20 minutes but we had to stop before we took things to far. Now no one wants to hook up in a Disneyland bathroom stall.

As we left the stall, we got a couple looks from moms who obviously know what went on, but camila and I couldn't
care less because that kiss put us both in such a great mood.

A/N ok so I know that my last update was in like December. I'm really sorry but I was going through a really hard time because someone close to me passed away. I have also been really busy with school given that this was my senior year. But I'm back and I'm gonna continue this fic, as promised :)

I really hope that you enjoyed this chapter, I know it wasn't long, but I'm gonna post the next one soon :)

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