Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Camila's POV

So Lauren tries out for the softball team and she gets in. Soon enough she starts going to their sleepovers and she even joins their drama club. She stops eating with me during lunch and I am left with Sandra. I really like Sandra, except I really liked hanging out with Lauren too.

Lauren and I still switched books and we still talked about our favorite characters. We still smiled at each other, but that was it.

I always see her laughing happily with Vero or Lucy or Alexa.

I continued to be invisible and I continued to excel in my school work.

Alexa's birthday party was coming up and that's all they talk about. Alexa is renting the country club for the day and she's getting a special dj and catering and all of those things. Of course not everyone was invited.

It was this morning when I was sitting on my bench and reading when I sensed someone standing next to me.

I look up and saw the one and only Alexa.

She gives me a tiny smile, which was really weird cause I've known this girl all my life and she has never smiled at me.

"Hi cabello. My birthday party is this weekend and here's your invitation." She said as she handed it to me and left before I could say anything.

I looked at the invitation and it said "I'd love to hang out with you this Friday" in big glittery writing.

Yea right.

Why did she invite me? Sandra and I have never been invited to their parties. Wait. Sandra is not even invited.

I put the invitation away and got back to my book. I couldn't stop thinking about it though. I don't really understand why this year of all years she invites me to her birthday party.

Will I go?

Do I want to go?

Part of me is really excited.

The other part is scared and confused.


At 2:30 pm, I saw my mom's car pull in front of the school and I quickly got into the passenger seat.

"Hi mami" I say as I kiss her cheeks

"Hello Camilla. How was your school day?"

"Weird" my mom is someone I can always talk to about anything

"Why is that? Did something happen?"

"I got invited to a party. Alexa's party."

"That's great! Haven't you always wanted to go to their parties?"

"I guess."

"Do you want to go Camilla?"

" yea. I think so."

"Well then, let's go shop for a dress now."

Shopping. I don't really like shopping.

"What's the party theme?"

I pulled out the invitation and read

"You're invited to Alexa's 11th birthday party at the country club! Please come in your swimming attire and bring with you a party dress for the dj afterwards"

"So we need to find you a pretty dress. no need for a swim suit cause you have one"

But I really want a bikini. Cause Lauren is gonna be wearing a bikini. But I really didn't know how to tell my mom that. So I just sat there and nodded.


It's the day of the party and I'm so nervous. I told Sandra about it and she's so excited for me. She told me to come her house and sleepover afterwards cause she wants to know everything. I feel bad for leaving Sandra out, but she doesn't mind.

"I have a surprise for you" my mom said as we pulled in front of our house.

"What?" I asked. Go check your room. It's something for you to wear for the party tonight" she told me with a smile.

I wonder what it was.

"Mami, the party is at 4:30 and its already 3:30 now, I'm gonna get dressed quickly cause I don't wanna be late"

"Ok camila"

I sprinted to my room and found the surprise on my bed. It was a red bikini with watermelons on it! My mom got me a bikini!

"Mami! Thank you! " I screamed as I got into it. I wore a beach dress on top and put my party dress in a bag.

My mom drove me to the country club and we got there at 4:30 exactly. I got out of the car excitedly and headed to the door.

Alexa greeted me with a smile and have me a hug.

A hug I know.

She told me that everyone is hanging around in the pool. I went there and scanned the place, everyone was in their bikini. I guess Lauren gave everyone confidence to do so.

I found a beach chair and put my bag on it.

Suddenly I was scared. I don't know these girls. I mean they are in my class but I never really talk to them. What if they don't want me here.

I then decided that I'll just sit on the beach chair and watch everyone play.

A few minutes later a girl approached me. It was Dinah.

Dinah is a funny girl, she loves pulling pranks on people. She's also very rich.

"Camila right?" she asked


She leaned towards me and gave me a hug.

" so pero why aren't ya in the pool?"

"I don't Know"

"well come on girl, it's fun!!"


I think this is what I was waiting for.

I took off my beach dress and jumped into the pool. Everyone was friendly and we all played together. I guess if you get invited to Alexa's party, then everyone is gonna be friendly.

I looked for Lauren but I couldn't really find her.

Around 5:30 someone tapped my shoulder and I turned around to face the beautiful green eyes I was used to looking at.

"Lauren!" I screamed

"Camz'! You came!" She said

And suddenly I understood why Alexa invited me. Lauren is the one who told her.

I smiled at Lauren. "Yes I came"

"I'm glad" she then gave me a hug and told me that she liked my bikini. I told her that I liked hers. The rest of the party was fun. I hung out mostly with Dinah. She was nice.We all swam together and then everyone danced. I don't dance, I just watched everyone. Especially Lauren. She can really dance.

Lauren told me that she liked my dress and I was glad. The food was amazing. Like really good. I tried not to get seconds cause then I'd look like a weirdo but I really wanted to. I'm glad I have Lauren as a friend, even if we weren't that close.

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