Chapter 11

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Chapter 11:

Lauren's POV:

My hands shook as I rang the doorbell.

What are you doing here lauren.

Just turn back.

You shouldn't really knock on people's doors when it's almost midnight.

What if her parents were the ones to open the door?

What will you say?

Turn back lauren.

So I turned back and headed towards my car.

Suddenly I heard the door open.

I turned around, and there she stood in her pajamas. "Lolo?" she said.

Suddenly I just broke down into tears. Right there on her doorstep.

"Lolo what's wrong? Lolo!" camila said as she embraced me into a hug.

I just sobbed into her shoulders and hugged her really tightly.

'It's ok Lolo, it's gonna be alright she said as she moved her hands along my hair.

I just continued hugging her really tightly and sobbed into her shoulders.

When my sobs finally calmed down, I looked up and said 'Camz?'

'yea lolo?' she really had a concerned look on her face.

'Can I stay with you tonight? I know it's asking too much, but I can't really stay at home right now'

'ofcourse lolo' she hugged me really tightly. 'Do you want to talk about it?' she whispered into my ear.

I've never talked to anyone about this. Not my sister, not my dad. That's because at home, we don't really talk.

I let go of the hug and looked right into her eyes.

' six years ago' I started with a nervous tone 'on the 15th of this month, my... my mom got into a car accident'

Camila held my hand and looked at me. 'she had a business trip and was supposed to cone back on the 16th, but then.. but then I fell of the stairs that day and broke my left leg. When my mom found out she quickly rushed back home. She rushed back home because I broke my leg camila.' My voice started to shake. Camila just squeezed my hands and I continued to talk

"she rushed back home and she got into a car accident, she was.. she was badly injured that she..'

Camila was now holding both of my hands 'Im here lolo.'

'died' I finally whispered.

Camila then just pulled me towards her and gave me the tightest hug she has ever given me.

Camila's POV

'..ever since her death, there's this voice in my head that says "you killed her', if it wasn't for me she would've still be..'

"Lolo no!" I said. "look at me, you can't blame yourself for this, it's fate, and you have no control over fate!"

She just looked at me and I knew that she didn't believe me. 'Lolo, your mom came back home because she loves you, and she still does, that car accident was an accident, do you understand?'

She just nodded at me, so I did the one thing I can do to make her feel better. I hugged her.

It's so hard watching someone you care about go through a hard time, and you just sit there feeling so useless. I don't know what I'm supposed to do to make her feel better, I just know that I want her pain to go away.

"No one knows my mom died, you're the first to know camz"

I was shocked, 'not even your friends?" I asked

"no, they think she left us when we were kids'

"oh lolo.'

'It just hurts camz, It really hurts right here' she said as she pointed at her heart.

"oh lolo, ofcourse it does" I pulled her into another hug.

"that's a horrible thing to go through lolo..'

after an awkward silence..

"what made you talk to me lolo? I mean we're not even close friends"

"I don't know, It's just so easy to talk to you, and I trust you"

She trusts me? Wow.

'Do you wanna come inside lolo? My friends are here and we're watching a movie'

"you're friends? Like normani ally and Dinah?"

"yea, don't worry they like you"

"It's just that I look like a hot mess'

"you look fine, don't worry about it."

Truth is, she still looked so gorgeous, even with her puffy eyes and red nose.

She laughed and we headed to my room.

"Where have you been girl?

"did it take you that long to answer the doorbell?' both normani and Dinah said as I entered the room

"yea who was even... oh" ally stopped when she saw lauren come into the room.

"so guys.. lauren is gonna be spending the night with us" I said and I saw the confused looks on my friends' faces.

"why?" Normani asked

"because lauren is camila's friend so she becomes our friend too" ally said and then stood up and hugged lauren.

"thank you" I mouthed to Ally

"hi ally" lauren smiled and I can see that she seemed a bit relaxed.

"I'll go get you some clothes you can borrow for the night" I whispered to lauren and "you guys be nice" I said to my friends.

"come here girl!" I can hear Dinah say as I looked for clothes in my dressing room.

This night might turn out ok. I just hope lauren sleeps in the end.

It's 1:30 am and my friends have finally decided to sleep. Dinah was sleeping on my couch (I have one in my bedroom), ally and Normani both brought sleeping bags and Lauren said that she'll just sleep on the floor.

Ofcourse I told her that that was ridiculous and she should just sleep on my bed and I can sleep in my parents room cause they were both away for the weekend.

Lauren didn't want me to do that and we finally settled on sharing my bed.

I got out of the bathroom after washing up for bed and found lauren already laying down on my bed. The other girls were already sound asleep.

I slowly made my way to the other side of the bed, closed my lamp and said 'good night lolo"

"goodnight Camz' she whispered.

It usually takes me between hour to 3 hours to fall asleep, and with Lauren sharing the same bed as me, I knew that I won't get a single hour of sleep tonight. I sighed and just took my phone out and went on tumblr.

After a few minutes I heard "Camz"

"yes lolo'

"can you hold me? I can't really fall asleep"

So I turned to my other side and wrapped my arms around her waist and placed my head her shoulder.

'I this ok?" I whispered

"it's perfect' she whispered back 'thank you camz"

With that, I fell asleep immediately.

who knew that I needed Camila Cabello to cuddle to sleep.

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