Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

After school, I just went home and got on tumblr. I guess that you can say that my life is boring. All I do is sing karaoke and watch one direction videos. I really like one direction. Oh and Ed sheeran. I also like to sing, but I never really joined glee club or anything. I just sing at home with my little sister sophia.

I opened my tumblr page and looked at who reblogged or who followed me. I like to look for people with similar interests on tumblr. No one new reblogged me, but I got one new follow. Sweet-dispositionn. Cool name. I clicked on the profile and I couldn't believe who owned that. Lauren. Lauren has tumblr. I looked through her posts and found out that she posts a lot. I thought Lauren was the type of girl that doesn't have time for tumblr.

I guess that we are still alike.

I spent a few more hours on the Internet before I got started on my hw. I guess you can say that I'm studious. I still hate school though. It's so boring.

I wonder what Lauren was doing right now. Probably hanging out with Alexa or her other friends. Ally wanted to go shopping today but I wasn't in the mood so I passed.


I quickly headed to English class cause I wanted to get there before Lauren. Sure enough, I got there 4 minutes before the bell. I took out the book I was currently reading ad started reading it. I was so into the story when someone whispered into my ear in that husky voice "hi camz"

A shiver ran down my spine at the sound of her voice and I looked up. She smiled and sat next to me.

"Hi Lauren" I said and quickly got back to my book.

"So what are you reading she asked?"

"The hunger games."

"Oh I've heard of it. Is it any good?"

"Yep, it's pretty good. you can borrow it if you want" I told her

She smiled. "Thanks camz" she then winked at me and turned to her boyfriend Keaton.

Why the hell did she wink. Suddenly I was angry at her again. WHY WAS I NICE TO HER? Why did I really tell her that's it's ok for her to borrow the book. What's wrong with me.

She's been ignoring you for five years camila.


English class passed by really slowly and it was so boring. We were studying Shakespeare and I really can't stand him. I usually like English class, but this unit is annoying. I mean A Midsummers night dream is just a stupid play.

Five minutes before the bell mr.craig announced "ok class, you have an upcoming project. You will choose two books that have a similar literary motif and compare them. It'll be due in two weeks and you will work with the person next to you"

Great. I had no one sitting on my left which meant that my only option was Lauren. She looked at me and smiled.

"We'll be a great team camz"

yea right.

The bell rang and I quickly gathered y stuff.

"Camz! Wait! "

"What Lauren?"

"Can I have your number?umm for the project. So that we can discuss it?"

"Fine." I quickly scribbled it into a piece of paper and gave it to her.

I turned to walk away but then she grabbed my hand. And I felt something. I don't know what it was but it was something. I looked up to her eyes and got lost in them again.

"Why are you always mad at me camz?"

"You know why Lauren" I said with a force and released my hand and left the class.

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