Chapter 4

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Chapter 4:

* A/N* I really hope you're enjoying the fic so far. It's a few years later and camila and Lauren are in their sophomore year right now.

Camila's POV

I slammed the locker shut and headed to Honors biology. Today was such a crappy day. I just found out that I got a C on my geometry test and mr.Craig, our English teacher decides to make a seating plan and seats me next to the one person I hate the most.

Of all people, I end up being seated next to Lauren. Lauren freaking Jueregui. Why me. He emailed us the seating plan yesterday and I've been dreading English class all day.

I quickly find my seat in bio and take out my notes. I don't really pay attention and doodle most of the time. I'll probably regret this when the test comes, but who cares. The bell ring signaling that it's the end of the period. Great. It's time for English.

I decided to take to long route. I really don't wanna face Lauren. I don't really like her. Not anymore. I actually really hate her. I used to like her back in elementary school, but that was before she turned into a bitch in middle school. She became the biggest bully in school. So stuck up and loved making fun of everyone. Everyone just turns into a bully once they become friends with Vero, Lucy and Alexa.

I get to English class just when the bell goes. Unlike elementary, this school has boys. That's one thing I don't like about it. I can live without boys. One thing I like about it though is that it's huge, and there are a lot of students. So you can easily become invisible, and I like being invisible. Sandra moved to Orlando after 8th grade. I was lonely at the beginning of my freshman year, but then I became friends with ally, Normani, and Dinah. It was nice to have them as friends cause I've never had a group of friends.

I looked for my seat, which was on the 3rd row, two seats from the right. Lucky enough for me, Lauren was already sitting in her seat. Great. I slid into my seat and took out my notebook without looking at her. Mr.craig started class and was able to go through the whole class without looking at her. When the bell rang, I quickly packed my books and headed towards the door.

But then I heard it, her husky voice calling me.


I turned around and I faced her green eyes and found myself lost in them, I quickly looked away.

"What?!" I said with a force

"Woah. Calm down."

"What do you want Lauren? Cause I really don't want to be late for history"

"It's lunch time actually. So you won't be late for anything" she smirked


"Well what do you want?"

"How are you camz?! "

"How am I Lauren? Really? After five years of you ignoring me you just say "how are you?" Well, if you really wanna know Lauren, I'm fine. Now excuse me" I said as I turned around and left the class.

Really. That girl has got nerves.

How dare she asks me "how are you" when all she's done in the past 5years was ignore me.

I got to the cafeteria and got in like for the pizza. I saw my friends sitting in our usual table, and as soon as I got my pizza I sat down with them. I think I slammed my tray really hard cause Normani said "woah. Calm down"

"Sorry. I'm just in a bad mood"

"What happened?"Ally asked with a worried look.

"Oh nothing. Just that Lauren is sitting next me in English."

"Lauren? You mean Jueregui? Oh wow. Was it awkward? You know sitting next to The Lauren"

"Why do you call her that. The Lauren."

"Cause unlike you mila, everyone wants to be her friend"

"Not me. She's a bitch"

Normani and Dinah gave each other a look.

"What?! I used to be her friend and then she just ignores me as if we weren't ever friends. And today she asks me "How are you" can you believe it."

They all suddenly laughed.

"What?!" I said angrily.

"And why is that a bad thing? She was trying to be nice" Dinah asked

"Because..." And I realized that I really don't know how to answer that. It's true that I am mad at Lauren for ingnoring me, but why am I still holding a grudge.

"Whatever" I said and digged into my pizza.

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