Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

It's been a month now and Lauren is still in a coma. I really don't know when she'll wake up. I visit her at the hospital everyday, but it's not like she notices. Her friends stopped coming everyday. I guess they realize that their visits aren't making a difference. It actually hurts, you know being around Lauren and feeling so much towards her and you know that she's feeling nothing back because she's asleep.
What also hurts is the fact that Ally is still not talking to me. I don't know what I have to do to make her accept me.

I park my car in front of the hospital and buy a rose from the hospital shop to replace her dead rose and head to her room.
I find her sister Taylor sitting next to her bed.
"Hi" I say
She smiles and says "Hello camila"
"Any progress?" I ask even though I know the answer.
Taylor shakes her head.
I walk towards Lauren's bed and place a kiss on her forehead. Lauren just remains still. I sigh and replace her dead rose with the new one I just bought.
"I'm really glad she has you Camila. You mean so much to her" Taylor says
"No, I'm really glad I have her"
Taylor smiles.
"When my mom first died," Taylor starts "it affected all of us badly, losing your mom is really hard you know. But with Lauren it was a different story. People usually deal with traumas in their own way. I just like to express myself so I'd just cry to my friends every day. With Lauren though, she just crawled into a hole. It's like once she found out that mom was dead, she dug a hole for herself and she stayed there" Taylor's voice was now shaking
"I just didn't see Lauren anymore. She was such a happy child, and then all of a sudden she was in her room all day. The scary thing was that she'd just sit in her room all day and do nothing. We all tried to talk to her, but she'd never speak."
"She even stopped eating. Like days would pass by and Lauren wouldn't have eaten anything. She fainted one day. I came into her room one day and she was laying still. We took her to the hospital on time, but the doctors told us the dangers of her situation, that's when dad decided that we all needed to move. He found a job offer in Miami and took it. Miami was good for us. After one week of Miami, Lauren spoke her first word. She slowly started to speak. She didn't say much just things like "ok" and "no and "yes", but atleast she was speaking. However, one day she came back from school and she was really happy. It's like something happened and I got the old Lauren back. She was so bubbly and so excited about sharing one of her books to this girl called camila. After that, you're all she talked about. It was always like camila this and camila that. " Taylor finished
It was then that I realized that I was crying .
"You helped her camila, I know that you didn't know what she was going through and you didn't intend to do it, but you did"
I look at Taylor with disbelief
"I didn't know.."
Taylor smiles." Lauren really likes you camila. I know you guys had a rocky relationship, but she really likes you. She's been happier in the past few weeks and I know that's its because of you"
I was still thinking about what Taylor told me earlier. Is it possible that I've had that great of an impact on Lauren? I mean I'm not that great. It just didn't make sense to me. She barely knew me then, how is it possible that I made her that happy when we barely knew each other.

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