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Started 4/23/16
Hi! Thanks for reading Death Wish. This isn't updated at a certain schedule so beware. I hope you enjoy the Death Wish as much as I enjoyed writing it!

I've been wanting to die since that day I killed my family. I was the one driving the car and I am the one responsible. I wasn't watching. If only I had turned a second later or earlier, this would've been avoided. But that didn't happen. It's all my fault. I killed my family.  I want to end my life. The thing is, I just can't work up the courage to do it. But I can't take life anymore. I've decided to do it at the end of this year, senior year. No exceptions. I'll take these pills I found. It's painless and by the time someone finds me, I'll be dead. One more year. I steel myself and open the door.

Pictured: The pills Linnea will take at the end of senior year.

Remember: constructive criticism is always appreciated!

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