Chapter 11: I am the Hypocrite

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After four agonizing weeks of staying out of school, Dr. Vasdrik allows me to go as long as I don't strain myself. As I open my locker, a small square falls out between my books. Too curious too throw it away, I open it cautiously. The minute it unfolds completely, it starts blaring some loud, hip-hoppy music. Closing it quickly, I look around but no one seems to have noticed. I find an empty classroom and open it there. In small, capitalized block letters, it reads: Have a meal with me. Underneath the words is the address to the fanciest restaurant in town, a time, and a reservation name.

I scoff when I see the name. Lorenzo. I don't understand why he wants to be my friend. I've made it extremely clear to him I don't like him. So why keep this game up? Is he playing with my feelings? Is this a game to him? See if he can make me fall for him and then leave me so they can laugh at the loser who thought the popular guy likes her? Is it a bet? See if the girl who simply exists has feelings? I can't for the life of me understand why he wants to do this. That stuff he said yesterday was just him being him. Trying to charm his way out of every situation. Sweet talk will get people one step closer to nowhere.


In art, I can feel Lorenzo staring at me.

Finally, I can't take staying silent and snap, "What?"

"Nothing...I was just wondering if you got my note?"

"Is this a game to you? See if you can play with my feelings? See if I even have any? What is wrong with you? Is your hearing shot or something? I've told you repeatedly. I don't like you. I never have and I never will. Just stop. Please," I begged.

I knew he would eventually tear down my walls with those stupid gorgeous eyes of his. I could already feel my resolve weakening, but I couldn't let him do it. I had to keep my guard up. I couldn't get hurt again.

"I can't, Linnea. I think about you all the time, no matter how hard I try to do the opposite. You consume my thoughts, yet you hate me. I want to change that so please. Have a meal or drink with me. One chance. That's it. Like I said yesterday, if it doesn't work, I'll leave you alone after tomorrow," he persists.

"Like I've said multiple times, I don't like you. When the world ends and we're the only two people left on earth, I would kill myself to stay away from you. Once this project is over, I'm requesting a new partner. Talk to me about anything other than the project and I will put a knife to your throat and slice."

I'm surprised he's shocked at what I said. He knows I don't like him. I groan internally as he opens his mouth to speak.

"Before you kill me, please let me talk with you. Have you realized that's every conversation we've had has consisted of you yelling at me? You've never even talked to me! You assumed that I'm arrogant, but you've never actually found out what I'm like. Don't you think you owe me at least a day to talk?"

I open my mouth to protest, but am stopped when I think back on our conversations and how we first met. I look down, embarrassed. It was true. He was right. I had assumed he was egotistical because of his looks. I couldn't believe it. I accused him of being judgmental, but I was exactly what I accused him of. I am the hypocrite.

"Fine. One day. One day to change my opinion of you. If it doesn't work, then you leave me alone," I mumble.

I see him smile to himself and I look down at my clay. I then realize that I have a small smile on my face as well.


Linnea and Lorenzo are finally going to spend some time together! Yay! :)

Remember: constructive criticism is always appreciated!

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