Chapter 31: Offense Taken

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"Linnea?" Lorenzo's asks as he walks into my house one Saturday morning.

"Kitchen!" I yell.

"Ohh, I smell crepes!"



Lorenzo sits at the table and I scowl at him.

"Don't sit down! Come help me set the table!" I scold as I flip a crepe.

"Fine, mother."


He just smirks in response and grabs two plates from the cabinet.

As we're eating, Lorenzo's phone rings.
When he sees the caller id, he smiles.

"Who is it?" I ask.

"Hold on," he answers as he gets up to answer the phone in another room.

"Who was it?" I ask again.

"No one."

"Doesn't seem like no one."

"You never smile when you answer the phone," I accuse.

"I smile when I see it's you. You just can't see because you're somewhere else. That's why I call you."

"Well that obviously wasn't me," I say, not letting go because he said something amazing.

"Yes, it wasn't you."

I sigh, exasperated.

"Well, then who was it?"

"No one!"

"Why won't you tell me?"

"Who do you think it is?"

"I don't know, that's why I'm asking!"

He sighs and runs a hand through his hair. I flop back on my seat, neither of us willing to give up. Silently, I stand up and clear the dishes. Lorenzo walks over to my side by the sink and wordlessly takes the washed dishes from my hand and rinses them. We go through this silent routine, neither of us quite giving up, but slightly forgiving the other. When we finish, I walk to the living room to catch up on Supergirl, since Lorenzo and I have been watching it together and I finally have someone to talk to about it.

Before I can sit down, though, Lorenzo grabs my hand and pulls me to my room. I sit on the bed as he walks into my closet. He returns with a pair of jeans, brown boots, a brown leather jacket, and a white shirt. He pushes them in my arms, but I drop them on the bed.

I lift an eyebrow and cross my arms, refusing to be the first to talk. He sighs and flops on my armchair, also determined.

After five minutes of silence and staring at each other, he gets impatient and thrusts the clothes at me.

"Please change," he says, breaking the silence.

"Wow, couldn't take the silence for what, ten minutes?"

"Please change," he repeats.

"I'll change when you tell who called."

"Are you jealous?"

"Why would I be? I'm curious and the fact that you won't tell me raises my suspicions."

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