Chapter 7: Trapped

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My father's office still has a lingering scent of his cologne, albeit a little stale. His computer has a sheen of dust on the screen that gives me a sneezing fit when I try to gently blow it off. Although he was an architect, my father's parents made him go to law school. It was perfect, I need information and he has it. I want to learn about what responsibilities and rights I have as an adult. Finding a book about being a legal adult, I see the huge plush couch in the corner by the fireplace. After feeding the fire, I curl up and resign myself to a night of reading.


"You thought you could escape me? Don't be stupid. I will always find you. You think that running away with that loser of a friend will make me blind? Everyone hates you. He will never want you, you murderer. He's just being sympathetic. Once he finds out that you killed your family, he'll leave you for good. Just like everyone else in your miserable life. You're lucky I'm the only one who hasn't left you, although the thought crossed my mind. Multiple times. I've given you everything. In return, you give me ownership of everything your stupid father left you. See, this relationship works and you will always be in my debt. You can't escape, ever," Thibault snarled.

"No! Lorenzo would never do that! He promised he'd never leave me!" I screamed at him.

"Then where is he now? There is no one to protect you. He left you to die," Thibault said.

He clenched his hand and I cowered. Smiling, he rammed his fist into my face, knocking me unconscious.


I wake up from that nightmare covered in sweat. Screaming, I find myself in the dark in a place I hadn't been in for over two years. I can't do it. Coming back is too painful. I would rather live with Thibault. At least he would kill me. Eventually. The door lock clicks, and I hear footsteps. My heart beating in my chest, I crawl behind the chair I was asleep in and hide in its shadow. After the fire went out, the room was plunged into near darkness; it's only source of light was the hallway lamp I left on. The footsteps grow louder and stop outside the closed door. From the crack between the bottom of the door and the floor, I see two large boots. Thibault. Whimpering, I curl into a ball to make myself invisible.

"I know you're in there, Linnea. Come out and I won't punish you as much. The longer you wait, the longer your beating will be. You already made me wait, don't make it longer. The only person you're hurting is yourself. Don't worry I won't leave you like your little family did. I still need that inheritance you'll have access to tomorrow. So come out and make this easier on both of us."

He steps in the room, and I take in a sharp breath.

Chuckling, he says, "Oh, you think you're so clever. Fine, we'll play hide-and-seek. I'll give you ten seconds. Then you're dead. Ten, nine, eight..."

I knew I wouldn't get past him, but I had to try. Carefully, I uncurl myself and tiptoe as fast as possible.

"Four, three, two, one!" He says triumphantly, snaking an arm around my waist.

Screaming, I kick and thrash as much as possible but to no avail. He slaps a hand across my face, silencing me. Dragging me through the house, he sits me in a chair, ties me to the arms and legs with a rope he miraculously procures, and gags me with a scarf from my mother's closet. He pulls me in front of the grandfather clock my father cherished. I was trapped.

"Just you wait. Once that clock strikes midnight, you'll be eighteen and able to call the bank to get your inheritance. You see, Linnea, your father left you and your family a huge amount of inheritance. Don't worry, you'll get to hold your money, for a second. Then it'll be mine. Your father was a smart investor, so he became extremely wealthy. Though he was very modest and decided to live in upper middle class rather than rich. He loved his family so much, he would rather work than have people work for him. He wanted his family to learn not to depend on others. He tucked all that money away for his beloved wife and children. All he gave me in his will was a measly couple thousand dollars. You know how much only you got? Seven hundred million dollars. $700,000,000. And since you are the only living next of kin, you get everything he left behind. He had billions in his bank account, yet all you do is miss your family. Boo-hoo. I will put that money to good use and you will stay here and starve to death in the place where your family lived. The same family you killed."

I send murderous glares his way while he stares at the clock, willing it to go faster.

Pictured: Linnea's father's study

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