Chapter 34: You're a Sick Psychopath

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"What happened?"

"She had another headache."

"Why don't you take her to the hospital?" I ask.

"She doesn't want to. She thinks it's just stress, but I'm pretty sure it's something bigger. This is her fifth headache in over a month. And it's not just headaches. She's losing her vision and becoming very unbalanced. I'm surprised she can even walk right now," Lorenzo rants.

"I need her to go to the hospital, but she's adamant."

"I can try to talk to her after work. See if she can drop some shifts and stay home, get some rest."

"Good idea. She listens to you. Don't know why she doesn't listen to me."

"Because you're her son. She doesn't need you taking care of her. She needs to take care of you. That's how she is. Never worrying about her and always worrying about someone else."

"That's also how you are. I swear, you two will be the death of me."

"Good," I smirk.

He puts a hand over his heart and says, "Milady, you wound me."

I smile at his antics and walk to the Myklyn's room. We were just sitting around talking by the pool at Lorenzo's house, but I had to talk to Myklyn.

Knocking softly on her door, I step inside and see a pale, small Myklyn on the bed. It's foreign, seeing her like this. She's usually so strong, but now she's just laying there.

"Hey Myklyn."

"Linnea," she says as she rolls over and sees me.

"I came to ask you if you-"

"I'm going to the hospital."


"That's why you came, right? To convince me to go to the hospital? He thinks that I don't listen to him. But really, I hear everything he says. I didn't want to go to the hospital because without me here, Lorenzo would be miserable. With him miserable, you would be too. I can't bear the thought of even seeing both of you sad. So I stayed. But I can't leave Lorenzo or you because I was too stubborn to get a check-up. So I'll go to the hospital. Just promise me you'll help him get through this. His father is unforgiving and he will hurt Lorenzo. Please help him through it."

"Of course."

I walk her to her car and Lorenzo drives us to Ilopie. The drive there is silent, except for the occasional cough from Myklyn, warning of us what's to come.


"How is she?" Lorenzo asks.

"Well, we did a full body check and she has a brain tumor. When cells die, new cells take their place. Apparently, something went wrong with the process. There is no certain cause as to why this happens. We can treat it, but it is extremely risky. We have our best doctors here and they will operate as soon as possible. We are currently prepping her for the surgery, but the survival rate is less than fifteen percent. I suggest you say your goodbyes," the doctor says.

Lorenzo's legs give out beneath him and I grab him before he collapses.

"No, no, no, no, no! She can't die! She can't abandon me!" He cries out.

I try to lift him up but, he's too heavy.

"Come on Lorenzo, let's go see her."

The doctor shows us to her large room and leaves us. Lorenzo runs to her beg and falls down beside it.

"Mom," he whispers.

"Hey Lorenzo," she says softly.

"Mom, you can't leave me. You have to fight for your life. You have to. I don't know what to do without you," he says, his voice breaking.

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