Chapter 1: Superficial Barbies

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After third period, I find a table in the corner of the cafeteria, take out my lunch, and start to work on my project. I hear a rustling and look up from my laptop. It's Lorenzo, the new guy whom everyone is falling for. The girls go all fangirl on him and the teachers love him. He's the picture-perfect guy with  gorgeous chocolate brown hair and emerald green eyes.

"Is this spot open?" he asks in a deep baritone voice.

I nod and return my attention to my laptop. I can feel him staring at me, expecting me to go all mushy on him.

Arrogant jerk.

He opens his mouth to speak but is interrupted when someone slides into the seat next to him. I raise an eyebrow at the artificial cheerleader. Her blond hair and blue eyes have everyone fawning over her.

Ugh...Superficial Barbie. Everyone here is so fake and annoying! Why can't they just be quiet and mind their own business?!?!

I glare at Brittany, her royal fakeness, who is currently flirting shamelessly with Lorenzo and go back to my project. I hear a giggle and I roll my eyes and glance up. He's staring at me with those beautiful green eyes of his while she's pressed up against him.

Brittany says to me, "I don't think I've seen you around before. What's your name?"

"Linnea," I reply curtly not looking up.  We though we both know she's lying.
Our town, Yasfen, is tiny and everyone knows each other's business. She looks at me like I'm dirt on the bottom of her five inch stiletto.

"Hey Linnea, don't you have to get my your lunch?" she says, trying to get me to leave.

In reply, I shake my lunch bag without looking up. It's my table and I'm not moving. I'm also not going to let the Superficial Barbie push me around. Lorenzo snorts at her obvious attempt to get rid of me. Eventually, Brittany gets tired and walks off because Lorenzo won't talk to her. She gives him a lingering glance and gives me a glare. I roll my eyes at her. Lorenzo looks at me and realizes I'm not going to talk to him, so he starts to eat his lunch.

When the bell rings signaling the end of lunch, I gather my stuff and get out of there as fast as possible. My attempt at ditching him is futile.

His long legs catch up to me and he asks, " What do you have next?"

"Art," I mumble.

"Oh good! So do I!"

"Great! Now we can be the best of friends!" I say sarcastically.

He doesn't respond and we walk in silence to class. When we get there, I head for the table closest to the door, putting me in front. He plops down next to me.

"Why don't you sit with your girlfriend?" I ask, gesturing to Brittany waving frantically in the back.

"I'd rather sit with you, lunch buddy," he says, winking.

Bleh. I think I might barf.

"If you don't move, I swear I will punch you in the throat," I threaten.

He stays where he is, daring me to follow through with my threat. I almost punch him but am interrupted when the bell rings and the teacher comes in. Sighing, I turn away and focus on the teacher. We are making a sculpture, one of my favorite things. Art is one of my favorite classes and Mr. Claudlib is my favorite teacher.

"Alright class! Talk with your table partner about what you're going to make because this is a project worth two test grades," Mr. Claudlib says.

I groan and turn to Lorenzo reluctantly. I think that this will be probably be a terrible project and ruin my potential good grade, but he's actually pretty good. He has lots of ideas and is very good at sculpting. He surprised me. Oh man, I hope he doesn't ruin it.


Pictured: Grant Gustin as Lorenzo

Any ideas for who should portray Linnea?

Remember: constructive criticism is always appreciated!

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