Chapter 16: It'll Ruin My 'I-Hate-The-World' Image

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The next day school, I am pulling books out of my locker when a hand pokes me  in the side. I squeal and leap to the right.

"What in the world, Lorenzo?"

In response, he just smirks. I turn back to my locker while keeping an eye on him, leaning against the locker next to me.

"Where are you going next?"

"AP government and economics."

"Bummer. I'm going to AP statistics."

"Wow. Didn't know you took AP classes," I tease.

"Haha. How will you fare without me in government?"

"Psh, you're the one who is bummed I'm not in your next class."

To this he doesn't respond because he knows, as always, I'm right.

"Fine, can I walk you to your class? It's in the same area."

"Hmm, I guess chivalry isn't dead after all."

He smiles and loops an arm around my shoulders. I tense and prepare to punch him because it's instinct, but then I remember that he's my friend. Unfortunately. But we can't be anything more. I can't let him get too close, so being a friend is the best u can do. I try to ignore the Sparks in my body every time he touches me and focus on the comfort of it. 

"Wow, you didn't punch me!"

"Don't get so cocky. I can easily do it right now."

"Okay, okay. I saw you beat up that punching bag. Don't want to be there."

"Good choice," I say smugly.

When we reach our classes, I duck out from under his arm and quickly open the door before he can. I make a goofy face at his protesting one and slip inside the classroom. Sliding into my desk in the front corner, I pull out my pen and some paper to take notes.

I've hated school since the accident occurred, but with Lorenzo, it's bearable. I had lots of friends and was pretty outgoing before the accident, but then I pushed everyone away, thinking they'd leave me. Academics were my only rock in life, so I poured myself into it.

I'm snapped out of my thoughts by a voice clearing. Looking up, I see Brittany glaring at me and I roll my eyes.

"Yes?" I ask, my voice sugary-sweet.

"Stay away from Lorenzo. He's mine. We'll be together well before thanksgiving break, and I don't need you meddling in my plans."

Jealous much? Someone should put her in her place. I guess I should. Aww man, I get to ruin her dreams.

I clear my throat like she did and start, "First, Lorenzo is no one's to claim. He is a free man, like this country. Second, I don't respond to demands. I will hang out with Lorenzo as much as I want. And third, get out of my personal bubble."

She opens and closes her mouth like a fish before she decides to say something back. Unfortunately for her the bell rings and the teacher walks in, cutting her off. I grin and face forward.


At lunch, Lorenzo sits down next to me and says, " I heard you had a run-in with Brittany this morning."

"Yeah, she was just being possessive of you. Like she is now," I say, pointing to her coming over.

Apparently, I didn't put her in her place. Maybe I should leave that to Lorenzo. Yeah. He has his own battles to fight.

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