Chapter 23: Drift Into Oblivion

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When I'm finally discharged, it's thanksgiving break. Great. I missed a week of school and now I have to spend thanksgiving alone. In my dead family's house. Doing homework. Yippee.

"Lorenzo! Put me down!" I laugh.

He's currently carrying me bridal style to his Lamborghini, where he will take me home.

"Why? You're hurting. You said it yourself walking hurts too much."

"But I walked before with bruised ribs!" I protest.

"Yeah, that was with bruised ribs. Now you have three broken ones and a fractured one. So stop protesting and let me help you."

My head is pressed against his chest and his warmth and the steady beat of his heart lulls me to sleep.


When I wake up in my room, I hear a noise downstairs. Making various grunts of pain, I walk out of my room and to the kitchen where I see Lorenzo making his wonderful French toast.

I lean against the doorway and watch him move around the kitchen with ease. I try to stay as hidden as possible but fail as he spots me.

"Hey sleepyhead," he smiles.


"You mean afternoon."

"I slept an entire day?"

"Well it is now Sunday, so yes. You slept for a straight twenty-four hours. I guess those sleeping pills worked."

"I got sleeping pills?"

"Yeah, so you won't think about the pain," he says, confused.

I sit down at the breakfast bar and continue watching him make my dinner/breakfast/lunch. Thinking about food, I realize I'm starving. Like stomach trying to eat something, anything in my stomach and coming up empty. I can feel the hollowness of my stomach and I don't like it. I silently will him to go faster, but know that his French toast takes time to be perfect. Stupid meticulousness. Why did I have to sleep an entire day? I could barely sleep an hour before and now I pass out for a day? Where's my food?!

I cross my arms and pout at the breakfast bar.

"What's up?" Lorenzo asks, noticing my attitude.

"I'm hungry."

"I know. That's why I'm making you food."

"But I want it now."

"But it's not done."

"But I want it now."

"But it's not done."

"Where's the food, Lorenzo?!"

"Calm down, Linnea!"

"I can't calm down! I need food! It gives me energy and I need that to fight off Thibault the next time he comes by! I can't be weak again!" I scream.

Lorenzo looks at me and turns off the stove. Walking over to me, he carries me to the couch and lays me down.

"Get some sleep and I'll finish the food."

I nod sleepily and drift into oblivion.


I'm woken by the sound of a tinkling bell. Sitting up straight, I look for the source. Lorenzo is sitting next to where my head used to be and holding his phone. I scowl at him for disrupting my sleep and throw a couch pillow at him. He deflects it and it just makes me angrier. I grab another pillow and throw it at him and continue doing it until I hit him. He sits there stunned while I cross my arms and huff.

"That's what you get for waking me up."

Lorenzo leaps across the couch and tackles me. I hit the ground with a thud and groan in pain. I forgot about my ribs. Lorenzo immediately crawls off me and starts apologizing.

"I'm so sorry, Linnea. I forgot. Please forgive me. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to. Please don't be in pain. I would kill myself before you get scratch because of me."

I laugh at him and say, "Calm down, Lorenzo. It's fine. I'm just a little winded. That's all."

"Oh, okay. Well I'm still sorry."

"Fine. Apology accepted. I forgive you. Now why'd you wake me up from my wonderful nap?"

"The food's done."

Before he finishes, I'm already scrambling off the floor and tripping over Lorenzo in my haste to get to the food. He chuckles and helps me up to the bar. I see the different toasts and nearly faint. There's French toast covered in powdered sugar, maple syrup, blueberries, strawberries, and even rolled French toast and cubed French toast. I pile one of everything on my plate, grab a glass of milk and slowly walk to the dining table. I devour the bread, barely waiting to swallow before I stuff more of the delicious crispness in my mouth. When my plate is wiped clean, I look at Lorenzo who's looking at me in shock. I smile at him and he gives me a weak smile in return.

"What?" I ask.

"Nothing, it's just...remind me to never get between you and food."

I smile at him and his face lights up.

"Oh, I was meaning to ask you, are you doing anything for thanksgiving?"

"No, why?"

"I want to invite you to our thanksgiving. My dad brings business friends and the extended family. That way you won't be alone."

I smile at him and tease, "You're taking me to visit the parents already?"

"Well, I don't want you alone."

"I'll go if I'm not intruding."

"Of course not! I finally have someone to talk to."

"What about Kyliane? You don't bring him?"

"He spends it with his dad."

"Why don't you invite him and his dad. That way they're not alone."

"Okay, good idea."

But the way he says it, the way his face almost contorts in disgust, makes it seem like a bad idea. Does he not want him there? I don't want to ask because I don't want to get in the middle of all that drama, so I keep my mouth shut. For once in my life.


Have any ideas for what's going to happen at thanksgiving?

Remember: constructive criticism is always appreciated!

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