Chapter 12: My Prince Charming Stopped Looking For Me

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When Saturday rolls around, I'm by the door waiting for Lorenzo to pick me up so he can change my opinion of him. I don't think it'll work, though. My opinion of him is pretty rock solid. But it'll make him stop pestering me.

When a sleek black Lamborghini pulls into my driveway at seven in the morning, I know it's him. I would consider myself a morning person, but even seven is too early to do anything. Since I don't know what we're doing, I ditch my fairly baggy clothes I've worn since the accident. I decide to wear a soft white shirt, black jeans, and black boots. Then, because it's fall, I add a black beat-up leather jacket and a black cap. He looks surprised when I walk out the door for some unknown reason.

"What?" I ask, somewhat sharply.

"Nothing...its just that you look different than what you usually wear. But good different," he says quietly.

"Oh..." I respond awkwardly.

I never know what to say when taking compliments.

Deciding to do the polite thing, I say, "Thank you."

Hmmm...he's being nice. I guess the day of opinion-changing has started. The thing about today is I really don't  know whether or not he is or isn't this nice. For all I know this could be fake.

When we get in the car, the radio is blaring some hip-hoppy music similar to the song that played from my card he gave me. Without thinking, I turn it to the local country music station. His head turns toward me and I immediately backtrack and return to the terrible music.

"Sorry, it's just I hate that hip-hippy music. But it's your car and your radio, so..." I say, trailing of at the end of my apology.

He chuckles and says, "Linnea, relax. This day won't work if you're all tense. Anyways, I like country music. I just didn't know whether or not you did, either. Most people don't... Sorry about the music from the card. I didn't know what you liked. At least it caught your attention."

I smile and ask, "Where are we going?"

"It's a surprise. I have today planned out. You just relax. Like I said, today won't work if you're not open to new stuff."

After changing the station back to country, he starts the car and drives out of town.


We've been driving for over an hour and all I've seen is trees and mountains.

"Where are we going? It's been an hour," I ask again, stating the obvious.

"Patience, Little One. We're almost there."

"Hey, I'm not short! You're just super tall."

In response, he just laughs and keeps driving. After another fifteen minutes, we approach a farmland with an enormous track in the back.

"Welcome to Kiendar Horse Ranch. This is where we'll spend the most of our day. Stay there until I get you."

Stopping at the end of a long road, he opens his door and hurries to open mine. Rolling my eyes, I get out and take the hand he offered to help me. 

"Why thank you, kind sir," I joke, getting more relaxed.

"No problem, m'lady," he replies, playing along.

I laugh as he leads the way to the back of the ranch. He covers my eyes and I smile as he gently prods me along a path. A faint aroma of horse manure and hay fills the air, but the overpowering scent is bacon and syrup. I try to take a peek by removing his hands, but he's too strong.

"Hold on. I have to get something, stay here."

"But I smell food! Food is good! You cannot keep me from it! I'm a growing girl," I say, crossing my arms across my chest.

In response, he just chuckles and replaces his hands with a blindfold. When I'm standing by myself for about ten minutes, I start to get worried. 


I don't get an answer. Is this a joke? See if he can lure me out and then leave me. Because everyone does. It's only a matter of time. For him it was only about a month. I shouldn't have been surprised, but then again, he made a very convincing argument. I let my guard down and he left. This was a mistake. All of this. I have to leave. I have nothing holding me down. I could go explore the world after I finish college in another state. I could do whatever I wanted. The thing is, I don't want to be alone. Deep down, I want a family and a steady job, but I couldn't get hurt again. I cover up the dream with the promise of being left again. Besides, no one wants a girl who is left by everyone she cares about and even someone she wishes dead left her. Something is wrong with me. I repulse everyone. What is it?

Giving up, I rip off the blindfold and look around. To my right, there was a table filled with all breakfast food known to mankind.  In front of me was an enormous stable filled with a multitude of horses and behind it a huge grassy plain. In the distance, I could see a sparkling lake with the sun rays glinting off the surface. Behind me was a gorgeous ranch house which could fit my house in it and still have plenty of walking room. How did he know I loved the country? This was my dream house. But it didn't matter. He'd left and I was alone again. Feeling something on my cheeks, I wipe at my face and my hand comes back wet. Why am I crying? This is a regular occurrence in my life. Being abandoned. I should've seen this coming, but I didn't. I was blinded by my desire for a companion. I wanted the loneliness to stop so badly, I let my guard down. I thought he was different because he was so nice and he had this allure. He was smart and charming, but unlike Cinderella, my "Prince Charming" stopped looked for me and gave up, leaving me. I had to come to terms with this. I am destined to be alone.


Pictured: Linnea's outfit-ish. Without the sunglasses and with a black cap.

Remember: constructive criticism is always appreciated!

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